A more detailed look into our everyday life. With 2 kids, 1 dog and an adopted turtle, we never really know what interesting things will happen, but we wanted to share them.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Two New Additions...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Just a quick visit
We can't wait to hear how their trip went and how Mt. Mushmoore looks in person. I just hope they had enough washcloths!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Dinner with Grandma-great
I would also like to add, that it is nice not having to tote around baby food (at least not a full meals worth) when we go out to dinner. Even though Megan still doesn't have any teeth, she eats like a champ. She LOVES the sweet potato chips at the Club and enjoyed eating chicken chunks from my quesadilla.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Half Monkey!
Megan was in her 6 sided baby play thing while I was trimming the trees in our back yard when I heard her cry. She got her little feet stuck half way up the side and didn't know how to get down. I helped her get down and kept trimming trees. Then we went to play in her room and she climbed into the window. The picture above is her climbing a downstairs window, but in her room there is a wall heater she stepped on to get into the window. She didn't stay there long!
She also tried to climb an end table but couldn't. Now she is sleeping so I'm sure she will try to climb something else when she is awake. I'll admit that minutes after she was born I looked at her and said, "I'm so glad you don't look like a monkey." So she doesn't look like a monkey, but she does love bananas and loves to climb, so maybe I jinxed her.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
10 Months Old
So not exactly the picture I was hoping for, but Megan wanted no part of laying still so I could take a picture. The second I would put her in position, she would flip over and crawl off of the elephant and sit right next to him. She taught it was hilarious and laughed every time she did it. I shouldn't be that surprised, she NEVER sits still. So needless to say, a picture isn't worth making Megan cry, so this is the picture you get to see. I'm sure she hasn't grown much since last month, but she has learned some more skills.
Some of the new things Megan has learned are:
- She can clap her hands.
- She will wave good bye when someone leaves or waves when someone waves to her.
- She has mastered eating finger foods.
- When she does climb up steps she knows how to crawl backwards to get back down.
- Most nights she only gets up once but occasionally she still gets up twice a night.
- She knows the sounds the bath tub makes and can't get in the tub fast enough.
- She is getting a lot more adventurous when she walks along furniture.
- She is now making noises that sound like talking verses babbling, and she talks all the time!
- Still no teeth, but that doesn't slow her down when it comes to eating everything!
Another great picture of Megan playing when I wanted to take her picture. She is so cute, that she could do almost anything and I wouldn't care. The only time I get frustrated when she is playing is when I have to change a poopy diaper. I spend more time trying to keep her feet out of poop then I do changing her diaper! Of course when the diaper is on, she stops moving, stinker!
Mark and I are still amazed at how great Megan is, both in behavior and in just being ours. She gets so excited when Mark gets home from work, it is very sweet seeing them together. I can't even remember what it was like without her. Although it is hard to believe that in 2 months she will be a year old already, but things just keeping moving along. We have never wished for her to grow up any faster nor have we ever wished she would go back to a previous stage. She is just so much fun from day to day that why would we want to rush anything. We love her.
Here is Megan after she got off of her elephant when I was trying to get a picture. She had so much fun playing during her photo shoot.
Nine Month Photo
One Month Photo
So this mini-sand box lets Megan lets Megan get dirty but is portable and doesn't take up valuable space. Maybe someday she'll realize sand is for playing not for eating.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Good Dog
I see Megan and Baron play together all the time, but here is a video of just how well behaved Baron is with Megan. So for everyone who just sees our crazy dog when they visit, he really does settle down. I think Megan and Baron are becoming good buddies. Oh, and the newspaper mess in the background is Megan's handy work. Every newspaper ends up like that.
I know that I have mentioned that our dog is weird, but he has this fascination with pillows that is just comical. He will steal a pillow off a bed or the couch as soon as you're not looking. Then he will carry it around and eventually he will sleep on it.
The Canadian Tradition Begins!
F.Y.I Tim Horton's is a huge sponsor for kids sports and camps. So in Canada sports teams that are sponsored by Tim Horton's the younger players are called "Timbits" because their little! I think that is adorable.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Take me out to the ball game...
The Tigers beat the Dodgers 12 to 7. And although my boyfriend, Brandon Inge, didn't play, it was still a perfect day at the ballpark. I hope we can have more days like this over the years.
(and yes Mark knows that I refer to Brandon Inge as my 'boyfriend' If you ever watch the games the Tigers catch phrase is 'Who's your Tiger?' I always answer Brandon Inge, I love him!)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Once we got the water warm enough, Megan had fun playing in her pool at Grandma's house. She had fun watching the water pour out of her cups. But she really liked her lobster that swims around. She had been playing with the lobster and frog inside and thought they were fun, but once they got in the water she liked watching them move.
Here is another video of Megan playing in the pool. In this one you can see the frog swimming around. I bought a otter for our house and he is so fun to watch in the water. I will try to get a video of him because he is Megan's favorite water toy. Best $1.99 I've spent! Hopefully, Meijer's will restock these toys because there are about 25 different animals that swim around, and for $1.99 I want more!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Somebody LOVES Biter Biscuits!
Even though Megan doesn't have any teeth, I still wanted to let her try biter biscuits. I was working in the kitchen so Mark gave Megan the biscuit to enjoy. A few minutes later I hear Mark say, the next time Megan has these she will need to be in her high chair or naked.
I walked in to see Megan and Mark covered in biter biscuit goo. (In my defense I had no idea they were messy. But apparently once they get wet the outer layer just comes right off in the form of goo!) I do have to say that Megan LOVED the biter biscuit and LOVED being covered in goo. Her hands were coated in goo and they would dry enough that when she would close her hand then open it, it would make a funny noise. She kept opening and closing her hands just to hear the funny noise. It was cute and gross at the same time.
Take Two!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Weekend with Friends
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Baron Has Fun Stuff
This is a perfect example of why we aren't so nervous about germs. Megan "eats" dog food, "eats" pine cones when were outside and she also uses Baron's toys as chew toys! I watch Megan close but seriously she is going to eat things and touch things she shouldn't no matter how close I watch her. So I don't know why some people are so nervous about germs, she will get sick and she will be healthier when she starts school because of it!
Monday, June 2, 2008
I Love my Zoo!!!
Megan slept the whole way home and when she woke up she was still excited about her elephant. He is sleeping with her right now (at her feet, she'll find him in the morning) Another reason I think she is so excite about her elephant, he was the first animal of hers where she was actually in the store to pick him out. All of her of animals were gifts. I hope he will be an animal she loves for a long time.