It's hard being sick
This week Megan started a new thing where she wants to sleep in someones arms. If we try to put her in the Boppy pillow after she falls asleep she will wake up and cry. She will sleep alone in her crib at night but during the day she wants to be held. I think it is because she has a stuffed up nose. On a side note: She HATES when I have to put saline drops in her nose. She can breathe so much easier when I suck the mucus out, but she HATES the process.
Here is Baron using Megan's Boppy pillow. He figured since Megan wasn't using it he could. Yeah we were a lively bunch this afternoon. Megan was asleep on my lap, Baron was resting on the other end of the couch and I was sitting there trying to breathe (I have the same stuffed up nose Megan has) At least it is crummy weather outside so I don't feel that bad about being lazy.
I sniffles must be going around. The Ringman House has suffered with them all week too. Take care and the yuky weather will soon turn to snow and then mud then nice again.
Angie, Riley and Brenden
I'm sure the wanting to be held has to do with not feeling well. I hope she feels better soon.
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