A more detailed look into our everyday life. With 2 kids, 1 dog and an adopted turtle, we never really know what interesting things will happen, but we wanted to share them.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Think Fast!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Just working on my abs...
So Megan's latest thing that she does is working on her abs. When she is awake she likes to stand up (so learning to sit might take awhile) If I put her down on the ground she will lift her head and her feet as her way of telling me she wants me to lift her up to stand. She will hold her feet and head up for a long time, I think the longest has been for about 20 seconds. She does this all day long so now I have just started saying that she is working on her abs. I don't know if other babies do this but from the reactions of other people who have seen this, I think Megan might be the only baby who does this.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandma Schutte!!!
Happy Birthday Grandma, I hope you have fun even though you just got back from a cruise!
Love you,
Megan, Mark and Jana
Thursday, January 24, 2008
What is so funny?
Ok let me explain this video; Megan is very fascinated with Baron. She loves to watching him walk and play. Baron has huge ears and when he shakes his head from side to side his ears flap and make a loud noise. Megan laughs whenever Baron "flaps" his ears. So in this video I was sitting on the floor playing with Megan before her bath and Baron was sitting by us. I thought he was close enough that if I blew on his ears he would "flap" them. Megan was cracking up at me just blowing and trying to get Baron to flap his ears. And of course Mark had to grab the camera, me looking fabulous in my freakishly large "Cancer Sucks" sweatshirt (why is it that whenever there is a picture of me I never have make-up on??? Oh yeah it's because I'm a mom and don't have time). Hope you laugh a little.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Sleepy Bulldog
This picture is of Megan sleeping in a chair at Grandma's during girls weekend. If I put he in the cradle over there, Rudy (a big golden retriever) will lick her to death. Soon she will be too big for the chair but we'll deal with that later. Speaking of "getting too big" Megan's wardrobe is getting kind of repetitive these days. She is slooowly growing out of her 0-3 month clothes (yes you read that correctly she is still in 0-3 month clothes at 5 months old) So I have been repeating her clothes so sorry if these pictures look the same, but I promise they are taken on different days.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Hey, I'm Five Months Old!!!
- She can reach and grab for objects
- She is slowly getting the hang of eating rice cereal
- She is learning to sip out of a sippy cup (still no luck with a bottle)
- She rubs her eyes when she is tired
- She has learned how to pet Baron
- She can stand for as long as Mom and Dad will support her
- She can smile back when someone smiles at her
- She jibber jabbers non-stop
We are working on trying to sit without support, but we still have a ways to go. She has also become very interested in whatever Baron is doing. She will twist and turn until she can see Baron, which is fun when I am trying to feed her cereal!
Look at that sweet adorable face! With our trip to Florida Megan has checked off a lot of "firsts" which include:
- first time on a plane
- first time in a pool
- first time sleeping some place other then her bed
- first time in the sand at the beach
- first time with her feet in the ocean (the gulf)
- first time eating solid food
- first time drinking water
I'm still waiting to add "first time sleeping through the night" but until that happens we will continue to love our precious little baby girl.
Four Month Photo
Dad to the Rescue!!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Another fun filled week!
The picture above was taken at Grandma's house. We went over there because Grandma was making a slip cover for the couch and my Aunt Lynda came over to help. Megan needed to get out of the house so to Grandma's house we went! She thought it was fun being able to play on her "table". She even tried to roll from side to side while leaning on the cushion, that was funny to watch. Megan had fun playing, but Grandma didn't get too much accomplished on her slip cover. However, Grandma and Aunt Lynda were able to hold Megan almost all day without having her cry! For a long time Megan would cry the second Grandma Berthold would hold her, so today was a good day. And I don't know why all of the picture of Megan lately look like she is scared. Oh well, I guess they will just be pictures we will laugh at when she is older.
Friday, January 11, 2008
It's CHEX-MIX...and I helped!
Having fun with Megan
Attack of the 50 Foot Dog!!!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Where is the Off Button?
Megan and I were still relaxing upstairs on Saturday morning (because she is eating every 2 hours day and night and I was tired) and Mark came downstairs to play some football on PS2 When we finally did come down Megan wanted to sit with Mark. Here she is trying to figure out what the controller does. I think she was trying to find the off button. She watches her dad playing football every Saturday morning and she thinks it is silly. Seriously, when he wins every game 100+ to 0 is it really fun to play anymore!?! I'm kidding I don't care if Mark plays I just like picking on him.
Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too...
I'm supposed to like this stuff!?!
Here is a short video of Megan trying to figure out what solid food is. The good video is on our real camcorder so you can't really see her first reactions. It was funny, she just wrinkled her nose and pushed the food right out of her mouth. The doctor wasn't in a hurry but said we could start now with cereal if we wanted so we thought we would try. I should have waited a little longer because now as a breastfeeding mom I am paying for it. Since trying solid food Megan has spent the last 3 days nursing every 2 hours if not every 1 1/2 hours, day and night! I'm exhausted and I hope this phase ends soon.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Too Much Fun
Conary and a coconut
And to Conary...this recipe was delicious I can't wait to see you again so you can try another recipe with us.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Let's go "Geocaching"
Geocaching is an entertaining adventure game for GPS users. The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the Internet. GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find the caches. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is if they get something they should try to leave something for the cache.
In other words, it is a big treasure hunt and to find the map to the treasure you have to use a GPS.