- She can reach and grab for objects
- She is slowly getting the hang of eating rice cereal
- She is learning to sip out of a sippy cup (still no luck with a bottle)
- She rubs her eyes when she is tired
- She has learned how to pet Baron
- She can stand for as long as Mom and Dad will support her
- She can smile back when someone smiles at her
- She jibber jabbers non-stop
We are working on trying to sit without support, but we still have a ways to go. She has also become very interested in whatever Baron is doing. She will twist and turn until she can see Baron, which is fun when I am trying to feed her cereal!
Look at that sweet adorable face! With our trip to Florida Megan has checked off a lot of "firsts" which include:
- first time on a plane
- first time in a pool
- first time sleeping some place other then her bed
- first time in the sand at the beach
- first time with her feet in the ocean (the gulf)
- first time eating solid food
- first time drinking water
I'm still waiting to add "first time sleeping through the night" but until that happens we will continue to love our precious little baby girl.
Four Month Photo
Love the monthly photos of Megan and her elephant. You can really see the difference in her size from month one to month five. Enjoy the next few months because soon she will be crawling and getting in everything.
Angie and the kids
Look how much she's grown! Isn't it amazing how much they change in just a few short months.
If you think this month was fun, wait a couple more!
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