After holding her down so the doctor could look in her mouth, he said that her teeth were fine (it looked like they had been pushed up into her gums) but what really happened was she tore a little piece of her gums. She tore the little piece that you can feel if you put your finger in between your tip lip and gum. Since that was torn it just made it look like her teeth were pushed into her gums. She is fine, but her smile looks a little different now. I think the worst part for Megan was not being able to brush her teeth for a few days.
Oh and you'll notice the cheesy looking clip in her hair. When I first started putting a clip in her hair to keep it our of her eyes, she sat still and liked having her hair done. Now she likes it when I comb her hair and spray stuff in it, but the second a clip gets close to her head she says "oww" even though I'm not touching her. So in order to get a clip in, I have to give her something exciting to hold and clip it ASAP. The results aren't perfect but her hair is out of her eyes.
Love the ice cream cone. Girls are so neat when they eat. She will enjoy many more ice cream cones this summer.
Yum! Ice cream is one of my favorite things about spending time with my in-laws! I love that there are so many ice cream places to visit in Adrian!
Cute shirt too Megan! Your Mommy and I must have the same great taste in cute clothes! :)
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