Every night I give Megan a 30 minutes warning before we need to head up stairs to get ready for bed. I give the warning and say "Ok do you want to run around the house?" She gets up and waits for Mark and I to get up and run around with her. Yes, I realize it might seem odd to get her excited/hyper right before bedtime, but for some reason it works for us. We run around our house in a circle, sometimes she chases us, sometimes we chase her, occasionally Baron will join in the mix but it almost always ends up with each of us trying to hide from the others.When we first started running around and hiding Mark and I hid, but lately Megan started finding great spots to hide in. Above you can see her in her favorite hiding spot. Yes she hid all by herself... and yes we did have to slow down our running in order for her to finish hiding.
She is so funny when we run past her when she is hiding she laughs hysterically. Sometimes when she is hiding she will jump out at us right before we pass her. So much fun right before bedtime!
After we are done running around the house she will climb up the stairs and watch as Mark throws a beach ball over her head (best $.99 ever!) As he tosses the beach ball over her head, she bumps down the steps waiting for the beach ball to bump her head. This picture is of Baron winning the pillow tug-o-war. Megan and Baron will steal pillows away from each other all day long. Megan knows if she takes a pillow Baron will chase her. He won this pillow and she climbed up the steps to sit next to her buddy and the prize.
Megan wanted to have the pillow in her mouth like Baron. Both of them are so funny with pillows, blankets and other weird items. They are the best of buddies and fun to watch.
So after this 30 minutes of weird playtime, Megan and Daddy say good night to various objects in the house and I take her upstairs to brush teeth, put p.j's on, read books then off the dream land to rest for the next day.
Hey, Angie, I beat you this time! I can see the pure delight in Megan's eye's. She sure loves her routines at home at at our house. She gets cuter all the time.
Love the bedtime routine. I love it when we have that last brust of energy before bed time. Makes for a better nights rest for everyone.
Baron needs to be careful at some point Magen will be big enough to win the pillow tug-o-war more often.
very cute.
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