The van was packed with just enough room for each person to sit, Megan was ready for a nap and we started our trip to Chicago! Mark, myself, Megan, Tracie (Mark's sister) and Caila (our niece) were ready to play tourist. The drive went by quick, if you forget about trying to park at the hotel, but we had arrived.
After being in a car most of the day we needed to stretch so we took a walk to the Tribune Building. I never knew before this trip that all along the outside of the building there are pieces of other famous buildings. We walk all the way around and "visited" lots of places. Caila was able to "visit" a lot on places because Uncle Mark helped her reach the high pieces.
Navy Pier
Megan freaked out once she saw the fountain in the hotel lobby (Yes, she touched the water every time) So when she saw this fountain and all of the kids around it, she couldn't get to it fast enough!
Mark braving the water that shoots up so Megan could touch the water. If there weren't so many kids running around carelessly we might have let Megan really play. But the big kids would have crushed her, so should could only touch the water.
Apparently when Megan got her new stroller she thought she should push it too. Megan wanted to push her stroller a lot in Chicago! As long as we were in an open area we let her, and she loved it.
Shedd's Aquarium
To Caila: Always remember to watch out for flying port-a-potties!
We stayed at the Embassy Suites because the kids could sleep in one room and the adults could stay up and hang out and go to bed later. Megan of course had to follow Caila wherever she went. Even when Caila was in the bathroom Megan had to try and look under the door. It was very cute to see the two of them together.
Gino's East
Now I know that everyone has opinions as to which type of pizza is the best. But for us, no trip to Chicago would be complete without eating Chicago style pizza at Gino's East. Caila thought the pizza was weird and Megan loved her pasta but both of them loved being graffiti artists and writing on the walls!
Cool Chicago Art In Millennium Park you can find a ton of different art pieces. This huge mirrored jelly bean thing was by far the most popular. That's us in the reflection.
The "bean" from another angle.
The coolest part was the very center of the inside. Tracie was smart and thought if we turned the flash on we could count how many times we were reflected around the center of the "bean" I think I count 7 times. Needless to say, you got kind of dizzy if you looked at it too long.
Navy Pier at Night
Twice a week you can watch free fireworks at Navy Pier. On our last night we went down to watch them (the first night we could see half of them from our hotel room) Below is the grand finale on video. They were great fireworks to watch. Too bad Mark was back at the hotel with Megan. The fireworks were way past her bedtime. The next day we packed up the van and drove back to Adrian. Chicago was fun I'm glad we went.
1 comment:
Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time on their trip. I love the video of the fireworks and all the sounds effects in the background.
Great way to spend a birthday.
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