This morning before any of the toys came out of the toy box I knew I had to vacuum and sweep or else it wouldn't have happened. Mark was out picking up our Sunday breakfast, Tim Hortons, giving us just enough time to quickly clean the first floor. I had to move the big leather chair to sweep up some of the dog food Megan chucked under it and when Baron saw the food I had to get the dust pan out right away. Baron was occupied with the dust pan and Megan became fascinated with the small broom. At first she wanted to put Baron's dog food ON the broom. But then when I asked if she wanted to help me in the kitchen, she put the food down and marched into the kitchen.
She knew what to do even though she is still a little too tiny to help. It just amazes me that at slightly old then a year she can follow directions and mimic what she sees Mark and I doing. (plus it reassures me that I must be cleaning enough if she knows how to sweep) She is just so funny.
***On different topic, Megan is really starting to copy words/sounds that Mark and I make. We can ask her to say "thank you" or "good bye" and she will repeat it. To the untrained ear it sounds like babble, but she gets the sound right so it's a start to actual words. So far her favorite thing to say is "dog, dog, dog, dog" Go figure!
1 comment:
Megan's sounds will become more clear when her teeth decide to make their apperance too.
Kids are wonderful at play copy-cat. As parents you can really see how you act, what you say, and the words you use most often by listening and watching your child(ren).
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