Friday, February 29, 2008

Make me laugh

A couple days ago I was in the other room when Megan just starting laughing hysterically. When I went to find out why she was laughing I found Mark "swinging" her in her jumperoo. Megan has really started to enjoy her jumperoo, but when Daddy was "swinging" her she found a whole new reason to love this toy. She still hasn't figured out how to actually jump in it, but I'll blame that on her slippery socks. I'm sure it won't be long before she is bouncing like crazy.

You'll notice that Baron is standing guard. If Megan starts laughing too much Baron will stand next to her. I think that he thinks Megan is in trouble when she laughs and he just wants to make sure she is safe.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sixth Month Check-up

This morning Megan had her 6th month check-up. She is in the 40th percentile for everything (which is better then the 25th percentile last appointment) She is 15 lbs 2 oz and 25 3/4 inches long. Still tiny but Dr. Hunter said she was following the curve so she's normal.

The Calm Before the Storm

It's official, Megan is a ham when it comes to taking pictures. She was playing with Mark before Dr. Hunter came in and I was trying to get a picture of that. But when she heard the camera turn on she spun around and just grinned from ear to ear. Needless to say this happy baby didn't last too long. Megan had 3 shots today and today was the first day that she cried instantly the second she was put on the exam table. Dr. Hunter said that normally babies act that way starting around 9 months lasting until 2 years, but Megan wanted to started the "freak out" a few months early.

Megan is healthy and growing well, only 2 things that "concerned" Dr. Hunter. She doesn't like that rolls around so much as she sleeps, so we have to try and wedge her in somehow (were trying something that I hope will work) and she told us to start giving Megan prune juice once a day (I'll let you figure out why she needs prune juice) But other then those two things we have nothing to worry about, which is always good news.

Hockey Anyone?

Once again we went to an Adrian College hockey game and Megan loved it. This was the first round of playoff games and wasn't too exciting but still fun to go. Adrian was playing the last place team in what was their 4th straight game against Concordia. In the 4 games Adrian outscored Concordia 54 to 5, so like I said not very exciting to watch. But Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jesper joined us for the game and then dinner after so it was a good day.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I don't think I like Carrots

Here is Megan trying carrots for the first time. For the first basic baby foods I made them at home because I thought it would be a fun project. I spent Tuesday afternoon making pureed carrots and green beans. Once Mark got home we stripped Megan down and had her try carrots for the first time. She did ok for the first few bites but then she had a change of heart. The video below is Megan's reaction, now keep in mind that this reaction was after about 5 bites. Sorry about lighting and the shaking is because Mark was laughing so hard. I hope you can see her reaction.

After mixing rice cereal with the carrots and trying that with no success, I have resorted to having Megan take 2 bites of rice cereal then one bite of carrots. Megan doesn't mind the carrots when I feed her that way. I like to think I keep her guessing so she doesn't know what type of food she will have next.

To Angie: Megan's reaction reminds me of Riley's reaction the first time she tried a lemon when we were all eating at Sal's. I still laugh when I think about Riley and her lemon.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Technical Difficulties

Well we had to break down and take our computer to a professional. It has now been de-bugged and updated. However we have lost all of our email addresses so if you could, could you please email us at so we can replace our address book. Thank you.

I'm 6 months old!!!

Well Megan is a whole half-year old, it has gone by so fast and yet we can't believe it's only been six months since our beautiful baby girl came into our lives. We have loved every minute of it. Megan continues to make us laugh every day as she learns to do new things. Here are some of the new things Megan has learned to do in the last month:
  • She can't get enough rice cereal to eat
  • She can sip out of a sippy cup (when she wants too)
  • She has set a schedule that she follows everyday
  • She can roll, turn, spin and scoot to reach her toys
  • She is able to hold herself up in the crawl position
  • She can play quietly in her crib in the morning (for about 15 mins)
  • She has mastered taking her pacifier clip off her shirt
  • She can play with her toys long enough for me to do dishes
  • We are working on sitting up and eating vegetables

Megan has also figured out that it is hard for her mom function first thing in the morning so she "plays" in her crib while I slowly wake up. I can hear her moving around and talking to herself, which makes me laugh. After about 10-15 minutes she starts pushing her pacifier through the slats on her crib. At that time I am awake enough to go get her and we play in bed watching "Good Morning America" and reading books. She is just so happy when she wakes up that we just giggle at each other.

Megan is now getting to the point where she won't lie still enough for me to get a close up photo so this is the best one I took. I think this is why candid pictures are popular! This morning was also the first time she giggled when she hugged her elephant pillow. We go to the doctor for her six month well-baby appointment on Monday so I'll give you an update of her size then, she'll be in the lower percentile for everything I'm sure.

Now normally I have all of Megan's previous "month" photos but due to technical difficulties those pictures are on a disk and I haven't had time to load them on the computer agian. Hopefully next month I'll have the pictures to complete her update.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Girl and her Fish

Like all babies Megan can turn anything into a toy. Her newest "toy" is the fish I put in her bathtub so she doesn't slide as much (her butt still floats to the top but that is another story) She will she this fish in the cupboard and want to play with it. She has just started to notice that it is in her bathtub, so she tried to get it when she is in the bath too. I have no idea what is up with the smirk on her face but she was having fun playing with her fish.
"Hello Mr. Fish, I hope you don't mind if I eat you" This is proof that Megan will eat fish even though I don't! I have no idea why she loves this fish so much but she will spend so much time just chewing on it. Will just add this to the batch of teethers when she starts getting teeth. Maybe she likes this fish so much because Daddy has told her that he will teach her how to fish when she is older. And yes she does have a diaper on in this picture I know better then to have her sit on my lap with nothing on!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Will you be my v-a-l-e-n-t-i-n-e,
if you will you'll surely know how happy I will be.
Sugar and spice and all things nice is what you are to me,
will you be my v-a-l-e-n-t-i-n-e?
"V" is for Valentine's Day

Megan just wanted to send a cute greeting today. Everyone knows that Megan likes to be a naked baby, this picture was taken in a playful moment as I was getting her ready for bed. As soon as she has naked legs her feet go in her mouth, it's funny!

HUG and KISSES to all (don't be offended if the kisses are slimey!)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Technology and TIVO

Don't you just love computers!?! This week our computer decided that it wanted a vacation. We have no idea what we did but it just went crazy. We have spent the last few days trying new things and we think we have it fixed now, but no guarantees. So needless to say we have lost all of our e-mail addresses, and word files but we still have our pictures only because they were saved onto disks. As soon as it warms up I will be going out and purchasing an external hard drive so we can back everything up onto it.
Well Megan doesn't take after me when it comes to technology. Mark lets her play with the remote controls and her favorite remote is the TIVO remote. I think she likes the bright colors and the fact that every time she hits a button the TV make a "bing-bing" noise. She also knows how to do something on the remote that Mark and I can't figure out. She is able to hit a button or possibly a series of buttons that causes TIVO to go straight to the recorded shows bypassing the menu screen. We don't know how she does it (she does it almost every time she has the remote) but we want to know how. We have tried to watch her do it, but she doesn't cooperate. Oh well kids are supposed to know more about technology then their parents right!?!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stick with it...

Megan has gotten really good at putting her pacifier back in her mouth. Here she is working really hard to get it in the right way. I will also add that her arms have gotten long enough that if she stretches her arm out while she is holding her pacifier she pulls the holder off of her shirt. It is supposed to keep the pacifier from hitting the ground, but she likes to pull it off to use it as another toy.

Weird Weather

This is dedicated to everyone who lives in an area that doesn't get snow. The weather this winter has been weird. We will have one day in the 20's the next day will be in the 50's but then the next morning it will be in the single digits. We will also have 4 inches of snow then the next it will rain and melt everything. This week was one of those weird weeks. It was bitter cold on Monday, Tuesday night we had a thunderstorm! It continued to rain most of the day on Wednesday, we had puddles everywhere, and then we got about 3 inches of snow Wednesday night. It made a pretty picture because the snow stuck to all of the wet branches.

I won't complain too much about the weather though because we aren't dealing with the flooding that is going down in Ohio. My grandma has 4 inches of water in her back yard and it had just started to snow there. Ah, Michigan weather don't you love it.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Another great hockey weekend.

Mark, Megan and I went to a hockey game on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Both games were very exciting games to watch. Adrian is first in their conference and they played the second place team. Adrian won on Friday 5-0 but on Saturday it was a different story. Adrian was down 2 goals with 5 minutes left in the game and they rallied to win it in overtime. Yes this mom was pounding on the glass with a sleeping baby in her arms!!! Megan slept through the excitment until I stood up after the over time goal. I couldn't contain myself anymore, I had to stand up and celebrate with everyone.

I couldn't get any video of Megan during the game, but here is a short video of Megan watching the zamboni go by. Now replace the zamboni with hockey players and you can get an idea of how she watches the game.

Somebody found her toes...

Just this week Megan realized she has toes. She is very funny, she will pull her feet up and will roll from side to side. It is very cute watching her play with her feet. She just gets this look on her face like, "I want to get those things down there, now how do I reach them?" If she has socks on she will pull of her socks to get to her feet. She knows what she wants. I would also like to add that this new found love of her toes make diaper changing really fun!
And of course her toes go in her mouth! Which this picture took forever to get because she would see the light and stop playing with her toes so she could stare at the camera. Doesn't that just look painful!?! Now if she takes after Mark and I her flexibility will disappear soon.