Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lots of pictures from Christmas

Christmas morning started at our house with Megan opening her stocking stuffers, 3 little Dr. Seuss books (perfect for carrying in my purse!) Next she opened the gifts from Santa. Apparently he knew that she is going to be a well traveled child and she got her very own backpack and a very fun orange hibiscus print dufflebag! Santa went for practical items this year because he saw the truck load of toys that were handed down from Megan's cousins (I'm not kidding when I say a TRUCKLOAD)
After breakfast we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Berthold's house to open gifts with Grandma-great, my Aunt Lynda, Uncle Jim and my cousins Michael and Allison (from Texas). Megan was taking a nap while the non-kids opened their gifts so I was able to focus completely on her when she opened her gifts, which was fun. In this picture Megan is modeling her "Super Baby" cape that she got from her Uncle Jason and Danielle. She looked so cute wearing it and didn't want to take it off!

Sizing up her Megan sized spatula. She has played with it everyday since Christmas.
The first ride on her new tricycle from Grandma-great!!! It took a while for Megan to get on it. It appeared while she was taking her nap and she didn't know what to think of it. It wasn't until my mom put a stuffed Santa on it that Megan figured out what to do.

Not quite fast enough for her cape to blow on the breeze!

So cute and so happy!

Now is that a trike or what!?!

It didn't take her long to figure out how to ring the bell. (sorry the video is dark)

After riding her tricycle for awhile Megan disappeared into another room. When she came back she was carrying a Santa that was the same size as her. I don't know if she wanted to thank him for showing her how much fun her trike was, but she was on a mission to get him back on the tricycle.

"Just get on the bike Santa"

Well she got Santa on the bike, he is now recovering from a broken back, but he's on the bike. Poor Santa :(

And finally, the family picture in front of the tree. (pink shirt and all!)
This was a great Christmas, we all got fun things we didn't know we needed but loved them now. For me I couldn't have asked for more (other then selling our house) Mark got me a Nintendo DS that is addicting and I finally got the pan that I have been eyeing in Williams-Sonoma for years, an All-Clad 6 quart saute pan (I love it, I love it, I love it!!!) Now hopefully next year we can have one big Christmas party in our new house, but until then I will just look back and remind myself of how much fun it was watching Megan this Christmas, she had a blast.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Cookie Extravaganza 2008

Megan not even trying to hide the fact that she is sneaking a cookie.
Grandma helping Megan frost the cookies she rolled out AND cut out by herself.

Taking a break from the freakish amount of cookies to play with the tree. Just like at our house Megan was allowed to take a couple ornaments off of the tree at Grandma's house. We pointed out a few ornaments that were child friendly, and Megan knew she could only take those ornaments off. She remembered from day to day and hardly ever attempted to take other ornaments off.

Megan's Christmas cookies. The first day of cookie baking Megan rolled out the dough, with a little assistance then grabbed a heart cookie cutter and pushed it into the dough. Grandma was in the process of moving the heart cookie to the cookie sheet and Megan decided she wanted to embellish the heart with some finger holes (they kind of look like a face) She then cut out the circles and the next day she frosted them 90% by herself. Right now the heart cookie is in a bag hanging on her dad's bulletin board at work! Very cute.

Practicing for cookie baking...

Egg Number 1
When I took the eggs out of the fridge, Megan was all excited to help me crack them. We have been working with eggs for awhile and she gets the "concept" of breaking eggs.

Egg Number 2!

I swear this was the first attempt at me trying to record her cracking an egg!

Egg Number 3
Well, egg number 3 ended up on the floor! But Megan loved how it looks running down the side of our cabinets. Egg number 4 was scrambled before it made it into the bowl. Finally, egg number 5, I cracked myself. The lesson here is that Megan does great with a couple eggs, but get WAY too excited when it is an egg assembly line!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Here is a Christmas card outtake. I will take this moment to explain why Megan is dressed this way; after brunch with Santa at the Country Club I was taking Megan's dress off so she could get into her hockey jersey (she had been begging to wear it) I got the dress off and she thought she was a "naked baby" so she took off towards the tree. I thought she looked somewhat like an elf, so I started taking pictures. Hence the picture on the Christmas card. ***for the record I was NOT trying to have yet another card with Megan naked but I thought the picture was cute so I used it.***

With Christmas getting close I have been busy doing a little bit of everything, from shopping to cleaning to being crafty to visiting grandma-great in the hospital. So I promise to get back on track with new post after Christmas but until then the once a week posts will have to work. Hope everyone is having a great holiday season and I'll write more when I can.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Worth Every Penny!!! (all 18,000 of them)

Here is the learning tower that we needed to get for Megan so she could be safe as she helps out in the kitchen. I ordered it one night after Megan fell off of the stool she was standing on and the next day Grandma and Papa called telling us that this would be our family Christmas gift from them and we were more then thrilled with this as our gift! Then the next day, Grandma Berthold called and said she ordered it for Megan's Christmas gift. So in the matter of 2 days, Megan got 2 towers! The good news is that she will get plenty of use out of them at both houses. She loves helping out in the kitchen.After getting the carrots (in the first picture) Megan helped me tare the lettuce. If you look in the sink you will notice the salad spinner that Megan has filled the lettuce she has "torn" We are working on making her piece a little bit more bite sized :)
Just an above shot to show you how much room she has to move around on her tower. It is so nice to have this because I can actually cook in my kitchen. Before I could only do so much and I had to wait for Mark to get home to devote my time to the main part of the meal. Because you can only do so much with one hand, plus now that Megan can stand on her own, I can use both of my hands to show her the right way to crack an egg and stir with a spoon, etc. I love this tower!

Just a video to show how proud Megan is that she can get in her tower by herself.

I was attempting to get a video of Megan getting out of her tower but that didn't happen. It is still a cute video. And yes, she does hang like a monkey trying to get down. Since this video she has learned to take my advice and climbs out of the stool like she is going down steps. Now she can climb up and down all by herself. Just to set the record straight, I love this tower!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Trip to Canada, part 2, eh!

Here is a picture of what a Lego competition looks like. Basically, Conary and his team had to build a robot and program it to move around obstacles and complete "missions" They also had a research project to complete, this years topic was the environment. Conary and his team looked at how the weather will change by the year 2050 and how to reduce their Carbon footprint. It was all very interesting. Keep in mind Conary is 11.
Conary's team is at the competition table trying to figure out what is going on with their robot. It wasn't until after the competition that his team realized they weren't as focused as they should have been when it came to their robot this year. They still did a great job and I was very impressed at all the things their robot was able to do.

Along with running the programs they created for their robot, they also had a series of interviews about their project and about teamwork. Here is Conary's team in the teamwork building interview. They didn't win any awards for their robot but they did win an award for teamwork, good job Conary! I was only able to stay for one robot "challenge" and an interview then I was off to take girls to dance classes. But the skills Conary used for this Lego competition were amazing and I can't even imagine how complex his robot will be by the time he is 18.
Conary- if you stick with this, you will learn so much and go so far. I hope I can see you and your robot for years to come.
Caila- I hope you take this up too! You did a great job helping Conary in his video and seemed very interested with everything at the competition. I hope you have a team next year.
Megan sporting her cheer leading outfit to cheer Conary on. I put Megan in this outfit on purpose, because Conary likes to wear all of his Michigan stuff when I'm around because he knows I don't like Michigan. I'll forgive you for that Conary but someday I'll find a way to make you wear Ohio State colors!

It's CHRISTMAS!!! Ok well Christmas for this group. Aren't they just adorable!?! I'm still impressed at how we could decorate a tree so perfectly in a matter of hours.
Big shock, a baby how could care less about her gifts and focus on a balloon!
It was great seeing everyone and just hanging out as a family. I wish every weekend could be so much fun.
Kelsey Bells- remember our pinkie swear and have "master mind" ready for a rematch! We are going to have to keep track to see if we can improve as we keep playing. Smile for me :)
Crystal- I hope you are feeling better by now. Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed, your Dora canopy made me feel very cozy! Oh, and thanks for all of the great toys you are letting Megan play with, and I checked, we didn't take any Dora stuff :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Our Trip to Canada, eh!

For Thanksgiving we took a trip to Canada to spend some time with family. We left right before Megan's nap time but as you can see, she was ready for a road trip. Goofball! Crossing the boarder into Canada was quick and easy, coming home, not so much, but Megan is now a "world" traveler.
While we were waiting for the turkey to roast Tracie wanted us to cut down the pine tree in her backyard. So we all went outside to tackle the soon to be Christmas tree.

And by "we" I mean Mark got the job of cutting down the tree. But I helped carry the odd shaped tree inside. I say odd shaped because we used the bottom of the tree and it was 8' wide and 7' tall. How many Christmas trees have you seen that are wider then it is tall??? I'm kidding, it was a nice tree and it was beautiful once it was decorated with nothing but homemade decorations that we made in 2 days.

Megan walking on visible snow for the first time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Somehow the Uncles always end up with multiple kids climbing on them!?! I have no idea why Crystal is the only one not wearing her pj's but most mornings in Canada were just as silly as this one and as far as I'm concerned it shouldn't be any other way.
I was checking the tapes in our camera bag and found one of Megan's first few months of life and Crystal wanted to watch. So Megan walked over to watch the crying baby in the video, it was cute.

Possibly Megan's new favorite food of all time...grape pie! By now all of you should know Megan's love of grapes, but turn them into a pie and she was in heaven. All we had to do was set the pie in front of her and she freaked! the first night I let her have a couple bites of mine but the next night we turned her into a "naked baby" and let her go at it all by herself.

Do you think she liked it? I bet you can guess where our next stop was...that's right the bathtub!
In the next post I will have pictures of Conary's Lego competition and Christmas, so don't worry Grandma and Papa more pictures are coming!