Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lots of pictures from Christmas

Christmas morning started at our house with Megan opening her stocking stuffers, 3 little Dr. Seuss books (perfect for carrying in my purse!) Next she opened the gifts from Santa. Apparently he knew that she is going to be a well traveled child and she got her very own backpack and a very fun orange hibiscus print dufflebag! Santa went for practical items this year because he saw the truck load of toys that were handed down from Megan's cousins (I'm not kidding when I say a TRUCKLOAD)
After breakfast we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Berthold's house to open gifts with Grandma-great, my Aunt Lynda, Uncle Jim and my cousins Michael and Allison (from Texas). Megan was taking a nap while the non-kids opened their gifts so I was able to focus completely on her when she opened her gifts, which was fun. In this picture Megan is modeling her "Super Baby" cape that she got from her Uncle Jason and Danielle. She looked so cute wearing it and didn't want to take it off!

Sizing up her Megan sized spatula. She has played with it everyday since Christmas.
The first ride on her new tricycle from Grandma-great!!! It took a while for Megan to get on it. It appeared while she was taking her nap and she didn't know what to think of it. It wasn't until my mom put a stuffed Santa on it that Megan figured out what to do.

Not quite fast enough for her cape to blow on the breeze!

So cute and so happy!

Now is that a trike or what!?!

It didn't take her long to figure out how to ring the bell. (sorry the video is dark)

After riding her tricycle for awhile Megan disappeared into another room. When she came back she was carrying a Santa that was the same size as her. I don't know if she wanted to thank him for showing her how much fun her trike was, but she was on a mission to get him back on the tricycle.

"Just get on the bike Santa"

Well she got Santa on the bike, he is now recovering from a broken back, but he's on the bike. Poor Santa :(

And finally, the family picture in front of the tree. (pink shirt and all!)
This was a great Christmas, we all got fun things we didn't know we needed but loved them now. For me I couldn't have asked for more (other then selling our house) Mark got me a Nintendo DS that is addicting and I finally got the pan that I have been eyeing in Williams-Sonoma for years, an All-Clad 6 quart saute pan (I love it, I love it, I love it!!!) Now hopefully next year we can have one big Christmas party in our new house, but until then I will just look back and remind myself of how much fun it was watching Megan this Christmas, she had a blast.

1 comment:

Angela said...

What a wonderful Christmas. Love that Megan is a "super baby" playing the small role of Megan. Let me know what her super baby name is because I know you are thinking of one.