Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cute Story Alert!!!

Ok so I thought this next "story" was adorable, so of course I had to share it with everyone. First let me give you some information so you can figure out what I'm talking about...

My hair brush is one of the few things left in the bathroom drawer that Megan can play with, everything else has been put up high or in a storage container because she would carry things every where! Every time Megan goes into the bathroom she opens the top drawer, pulls out my hair brush and walks around the house hitting things or brushing her hair. I noticed that my brush needed to be replaced because while Megan would carry it around it was leaving random bristles on the floor. (the kind of bristle that is plastic with the little rubber tip on the end, about an inch big) with this information on to the cute story...

I was in the kitchen washing dishes and I noticed that Megan wasn't bugging me and she wasn't next to Mark. I turned around and saw her standing next to Baron. I thought she was petting him and that he was loving it because he was just standing perfectly still letting Megan pet him. Then I noticed how her hand was, it looked like she was petting him with one finger. I walked over and saw her holding one of the bristles from my brush, and she was "brushing" Baron's fur (I know cute right!?!) But then when I asked her if she was brushing his hair she shook her head yes and then started to brush her hair with her bristle. Then she walked over to Mark/Daddy and brushed his hair and then she motioned for me to bend down so she could brush my hair. She had the biggest grin on her face after she brushed our hair. How stinkin cute is that? We say it everyday but seriously, "she is just so stinkin adorable!"


Anonymous said...

I love the cape over the p.j.'s and was glad to see she likes the hoping frog. Yes, she is stinking cute!

Angela said...

She is so cute. Megan you make me smile with each story your mom shares.

I agree that you are just too stinking cute!!