Friday, January 16, 2009

We're back...

Sorry for the lack of new posts lately, I promise I will be back to my normal update schedule from now on. Obviously Christmas/New Years got us off track, but then our computer took a drive (again) So our poor computer spent two days at the computer repair shop only to be wiped clean of all the programs we had on it. Which means that we have to reinstall a ton of stuff, hence no picture (sorry Allison) So Mark will spend the weekend getting our computer up and running.

We also have returned from spending a week in Florida, warm not freezing Florida. I'll save the stories for when I have pictures to go with them. But we had fun, we wanted to stay until it was above freezing in Michigan, but that didn't happen. So we're back and will spend the weekend doing laundry, washing the dog, grocery shopping, fixing the computer and hopefully adding pictures to the blog.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Welcome back. On your way over Tennessee you could have dropped off a little of that sunshine and warmth. Can't wait to see all the fun pictures and read the stories.