Wednesday, January 21, 2009

She is so helpful...

I was in the kitchen doing numerous things and had left the door open to the pantry. I was at the sink doing dishes and Megan was on the other side of the sink looking outside. Then I heard her playing in the pantry. Next thing I know she was filling up Baron's food bowl. I grabbed the camera and filmed this on her 5th trip. I think she took about 2 dozen trips just like this one before I convinced her that Baron had enough food.

Another cute thing, Mark said "Oh Baron needs food" and he went to go get a scoop out of the pantry, Megan picked up the dog food bowl and took it to him! Anytime she gets the chance, she is the one who fills the dog food bowl, granted it is 5 pieces at a time, but hey it's still helping out and being part of the family.

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