Monday, September 28, 2009

Big Things are Happening!

Hello again everyone, sorry for the delay but as you know we are moving to a new house...finally! I know you're thinking that we should have already been moved and settled, but I lied in the last post. Some things happened and our closing day is Tuesday September 29th. Since moving on a Tuesday isn't the easiest, we packed up a cargo trailer on Saturday and Sunday, which meant we had no beds to sleep on. We have been bunking at my parents house (which also means home cooked meals, yum!)

I had some things to finish up at the Budlong house so Megan spent the day playing with Grandma Berthold. Here are some cute videos of how Megan spent part of her day.

The Naked Chef, I mean Megan showing off her soon to be patented stirring technique.

The Naked Chef added some carrots to her stew, "My like carrots too"

Now that we know we will be in the house in a matter of hours. I will try to take some pictures of the outside and inside of our new house just to give everyone an idea of what it looks like. Well what it looks like before we paint and redo the kitchen!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Our New House

You may have noticed that I haven't been doing a great job at posting new stories and pictures lately. But I do have a very good reason, after 1 1/2 years, we finally sold our house!!! Then shortly there after, we bought a new house. We officially close on both house on Monday Sept. 14th. So for the next few weeks, updating this blog is going to take a backseat to updating our new house. I promise I will take pictures along the way, but it might take a while to get them up on this blog. So big changes are coming, all will be documented and posted in the near(ish) future.