Monday, January 26, 2009

Still loves to watch hockey!

Tuesday night we sat with my parents to watch Adrian College play the USA under 18 Developmental team. Don't let their age fool you, it was an awesome game, the under 18 players were pretty much the best of the best for their age. Hence there were scouts from 3 NHL teams at the game.
Just enjoying some crunchy snacks with Grandma! Megan liked this view point because she could see everything. She got really excited whenever someone had to go into the penalty box, because it was about 10 feet from her and she could look at the player up close.

Getting just a little higher to watch the Zamboni go around. She freaked out when she saw the Zamboni. We left during the 2 intermission (bed time) but we made sure she got to watch the Zamboni one more time.
This is how she watched most of the second period, squatting behind a chair. There were a few times when she tried to climb over the seat but she was quickly told "no" She had fun, and we love that she likes to go out to busy places and doesn't feel overwhelmed.

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