Friday, December 12, 2008

Worth Every Penny!!! (all 18,000 of them)

Here is the learning tower that we needed to get for Megan so she could be safe as she helps out in the kitchen. I ordered it one night after Megan fell off of the stool she was standing on and the next day Grandma and Papa called telling us that this would be our family Christmas gift from them and we were more then thrilled with this as our gift! Then the next day, Grandma Berthold called and said she ordered it for Megan's Christmas gift. So in the matter of 2 days, Megan got 2 towers! The good news is that she will get plenty of use out of them at both houses. She loves helping out in the kitchen.After getting the carrots (in the first picture) Megan helped me tare the lettuce. If you look in the sink you will notice the salad spinner that Megan has filled the lettuce she has "torn" We are working on making her piece a little bit more bite sized :)
Just an above shot to show you how much room she has to move around on her tower. It is so nice to have this because I can actually cook in my kitchen. Before I could only do so much and I had to wait for Mark to get home to devote my time to the main part of the meal. Because you can only do so much with one hand, plus now that Megan can stand on her own, I can use both of my hands to show her the right way to crack an egg and stir with a spoon, etc. I love this tower!

Just a video to show how proud Megan is that she can get in her tower by herself.

I was attempting to get a video of Megan getting out of her tower but that didn't happen. It is still a cute video. And yes, she does hang like a monkey trying to get down. Since this video she has learned to take my advice and climbs out of the stool like she is going down steps. Now she can climb up and down all by herself. Just to set the record straight, I love this tower!!!


Anonymous said...

minimum wage in san francisco os $9.79...

Angela said...

What a wonderful gift for both you and Megan. She is very proud of her abilities to climb by herself and do things like mommy. Look forward to seeing more pictures of your new little kitchen helper.

Andi said...

How cool is that thing?!?!

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

"minimum wage in san francisco os $9.79..."
Probably correct.
Are you indicating that the tower chair was made by child slave laborer in San Fransisco and therefore should be boycotted?
Or that would be a terrible expensive thing to by if you work for minimum wage in San Fransisco?
Or that we all should move to San Fransisco and take jobs that pay minimum wages?

Anonymous said...

She's gifted in the kitchen

Anonymous said...

the last part of the message didn't make it- but the premise is that minimum wage in SF is pretty good and restaurants are required to provide health insurance SO... if there were a restaurant there that was interested in recruiting prep cooks with nimble fingers one need look no further!