Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

Here is a Christmas card outtake. I will take this moment to explain why Megan is dressed this way; after brunch with Santa at the Country Club I was taking Megan's dress off so she could get into her hockey jersey (she had been begging to wear it) I got the dress off and she thought she was a "naked baby" so she took off towards the tree. I thought she looked somewhat like an elf, so I started taking pictures. Hence the picture on the Christmas card. ***for the record I was NOT trying to have yet another card with Megan naked but I thought the picture was cute so I used it.***

With Christmas getting close I have been busy doing a little bit of everything, from shopping to cleaning to being crafty to visiting grandma-great in the hospital. So I promise to get back on track with new post after Christmas but until then the once a week posts will have to work. Hope everyone is having a great holiday season and I'll write more when I can.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Loved the Christmas card it was wonderful. I agree that this is a very busy time of year. Posting updates is the last thing that we are thinking about at this point in the game. Enjoy your visiting and happy holidays to you.