Monday, October 15, 2007

My first BIG party!

Here we are all dressed up and ready to go to a wedding. A friend of mine from high school got married so I knew that a lot of people would be there for Megan to meet. It was fun seeing old friends.
My friend Laura was in the wedding and since she lives in Chicago, she came to Adrian the day before, so the girls went to lunch together on Friday. Now that Megan and Laura go way back we had to get a picture of all the women dressed up.
And this is why Laura refers to herself as "The Baby Whisperer" Megan was kind of fussy when she first met Laura, but Laura used her magic and Megan settled down. Personally I think Megan is just going through a phase because more and more she is fussy to anyone, other then me, holding her. But soon she will learn to love Laura and all will be right with the world.
Yes, Megan made it to the dance floor! Following what seems like an Adrian High School tradition, we had to all make it to the dance floor to dance "The Electric Slide" Megan LOVED all of the lights on the dance floor. Every time we had to turn during the dance, Megan turned her head to find the lights again. Too bad the dance makes you turn 90 degrees every 10 seconds! She had fun and hopefully this early introduction to dance will make her have more rhythm then Mark.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Thank you. Talk about a beautiful family look at the three of you. You have a wonderful family. Looks like Megan is having lots of fun meeting all those fun people.

Angie Ben Riley and Brenden