Sunday, December 9, 2007

Choosy dogs choose J.I.F.

This post has nothing to do with Megan it is just something that our dog Baron loves, so I took pictures of it so share. Baron is allergic to everything so instead of dog biscuits he get baby carrots as a treat. So whenever we have an empty peanut butter jar Baron gets to have it. He is very excited about it and for some reason wanted to share it with you.
When he first gets the container he wants it all to himself. He thinks we will take it away from him.
Then he realizes that he can't get the peanut butter out without our help. I am holding it for him. He loves this extra treat, especially because this is the only "people food" he gets.

Ok to non-dog lovers this post isn't exciting but Baron is part of our family and he was getting jealous that he wasn't being talked about as much as Megan.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Love the big "brother" pictures. We can't leave anyone out when we are talking about families.

Angie and the kids