Saturday, December 15, 2007

I don't need no stink'n bottle!

Here is our little comedian telling us how she feels about drinking from a bottle. So it looks like it will be a while before she will drink from a bottle again. Oh well at least she can make us laugh with her stubbornness. Who knew that learning how to blow raspberries would be so comical!?!


Unknown said...

I was laughing my head off.... Megan, you are so-o-o funny. Grandma B loves you!

Andi said...

Too funny! Austin was the same way.

I can't think of any other suggestions other than trying a sippy cup. Austin got started around 4 months with one!

And if not, I guess you're stuck with her!

Angela said...

Megan just knows what she wants/likes and I guess that bottle is not it. It's just her way of saying that she loves her time with her mommy.

Angie and the kids