Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Asking for Your Parenting Tips/Hints

Hello everyone, I need some help from all of you. Our friends Kyrah and Larry are having their first baby in January. They live in Atlanta far away from both sets of soon-to-be grandparents. I thought it would be a creative shower gift to put together a book of baby tips and hints. The kind of thing that you kind of figure out on your own or read in a book that actually work. My favorite tip is...Dawn dish washing liquid is the best at getting stains (food/dirt/baby poop) out of clothes (it works for new stains or stains that have been on a shirt for a while). Another is to make sure you always have diaper and wipes in the car just in case you forget the diaper bag or it is empty.

Any tips/hints you have, can you please leave a comment so they can be included in the book. And if you have never left a comment before, now is a good time to start. It's not hard, click on "comment" and fill in the blanks. And if you think it is a tip/hint that every mom knows, leave the comment anyways because how are parents supposed to know things if no one shares the good tips/hints. Thanks everyone for what I hope will be a flood of tips! (hint hint)

I should also add that I will be working on the book for awhile so feel free to keep leaving tips as you think of them!


Angela said...

Once you become a mommy you also receive the "mommy gut feelings". Always go with that feeling. No matter what anyone else tells you about YOUR baby your the parent and you know best. Go with your gut feeling you will feel better in the end.

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

Get out of my head Angie! I agree with that tip, I was going to have that on the opening page. Because no matter what, follow your gut because you know your baby best!