Monday, November 10, 2008

A Girl and Her Walnut...

When it was still nice out, Megan found a walnut that a squirrel left by the steps. She played with it all afternoon. Then we put toys away and went on with making dinner. The next day when we went outside to play, I opened the garage to get Megan's toys out and she went searching for something. I didn't realize it, but the day before Megan put her walnut away in a plastic bin and she wanted to play with it again. I got her walnut out of the bin and she grinned from ear to ear.
She has also discovered that it is really fun to play with EVERY plastic thing in the recycling bins. So to make her walnut happy she found a dish for her walnut to sit in (on the right)

Like all things she had to see if the walnut was edible. Yes, technically it is, but not in this form or for a 1 year old.

Taking her walnut for a walk or running from mom because she thinks I will take her walnut. She likes her walnut and even put it in the same bin to play with the next time we are outside. Hope she still has fun playing with the walnut with gloves on!

1 comment:

Angela said...

It's the new pet rock. Megan has a pet walnut. She is so cute.