Sunday, March 7, 2010

Snowman Time!!!

Well we had to wait until February to have enough snow to build snowmen, but it came and we had to build. Megan's very first snowman was very labor intensive. We had lots of snow but it was not "packing" snow. So I (the loving Mommy) piled snow, sprayed it with a water bottle and then packed on more snow. It took forever to build a snowman as tall as Megan. But since he was coated in ice, he lasted a long time and Megan liked to say "hi" to the snowman every time we saw him i.e. through the windows, leaving our house, coming home etc. She really liked him.
Or she liked that we have started a tradition, that when you play in the snow, once you go inside you get to have hot chocolate!

Our second snowman...woman...hula dancer. We got a ton of wet snow, perfect for building a snowman. Megan was excited to build another snowman. I went out early to start building the base of the snowman, Mark bundled Megan up and she came out to help me. She lasted about 10 mins then decided she played enough in the snow to drink hot chocolate. She left me, so I had fun and made a fancy snowman. This is what happens when you haven't had a pig roast in a few years (our goal is to get it started again this summer) Bad news for this snowman though, he was taller then me, but he only lasted 2 days until his head fell off. But I guess I won't complain too much, because he sacrificed himself so we could enjoy some sunshine and warm weather. The weather has been great, I just hope Spring is on it's way.

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