Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Adrian College Frozen Faceoff

Back in December, Adrian College played in the first ever DIII outdoor hockey game. So of course the hockey fans in this family were not going to miss it. The game was the Saturday before the big Mich vs. Mich State game so it wasn't the sold out crowd they had for that game, but it didn't matter, it was great!
The season ticket holders had "special" tickets that allows us to go on the field to watch the game,not the best seats, but who are we kidding, fans were there for the experience not to watch the game. Megan couldn't wait to get on the field, the tiny white dot is Megan running on the huge Michigan letters in the end zone (how many 3 year olds can say they have done that!?!)
Megan enjoying her hot chocolate. Don't worry, we were all plenty warm! Megan's outfit went something like this: long sleeve shirt...hockey jersey...winter coat...another hockey jersey. Leggings...sweatpants...snowpants...boots, hat and 2 pair of gloves! She was about twice her wait and double her size and it took her forever to walk up all of the steps to go potty.
Megan and Daddy taking it all in.
Had to get a picture to show that there we fans in the stands.
Then after the game, we got to go out on the ice to talk with the players and take some pictures. Everything about this game was great, a once in a lifetime experience, so much fun. Plus I got to talk with my favorite player, Mike Towns :)
It was great to see all of the players acting like kids living out a childhood dream.
All of the players we so happy to be a part of this game and they along with their coach said that they forgot they were playing a game for a few moments while they were looking around taking in all of the excitement.
Last picture before we left of the players, fans and family out on the ice. It was a good day! Then we were off to a yummy brunch and Lisa and Jesper's house (thanks again) So for our family, it was a perfect Saturday in December, one that I'm sure we will always remember (it was history after all)

1 comment:

Angela said...

What a great memory for y'all to have and keep with you. I love the pictures thanks for sharing.