Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hokey and Tu-tus

I believe this is week 7 and they starting working with the puck. Megan is really good and getting in position (#57 with pink on her helmet) I think she spent more time in the squat position then skating this week. She was so happy that she got to shoot the puck, it was her goal for the week :)

This is what Joey does most hockey morning, but I guess it makes sense because I have to wake him up to get him fed and dressed before we have to leave for the rink. But when he is awake he will not take his eyes off the ice,

It was picture day! Can't wait to get her pictures back. When they took her solo pictures they asked her to give them an "angry" face and they said Megan just smiled even bigger :)

Part of the instructional group.

Then at the Men's Varsity hockey game, Megan and her friend Grace had to pose with Bruiser, the Adrian mascot.

It is funny to hear all of the comments these 2 girls get when they wear their tu-tus with their hockey jerseys. Lots of "oh they are so cute" or "I love it, a little girly and a little tough" Both of them love their outfits and have worn them to almost every home game.

Megan's first time shooting the puck. Yes, she is shooting left handed, but her coach is left handed, monkey-see monkey-do. We have been working on it so she shoots the correct way.

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