Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Schutte Shuffle...yeah, it's a thing!

Way back in October 2014, we signed Joey up for ice skating lessons with the AC synchronized skating team. I read on a flyer 3 year olds were welcome, so it was official, Joey was learning to skate!
 Joey is about to step on the ice for the first time without Mark or me on the ice with him. At first he really wasn't sure what "skating lessons" meant, but after a quick explanation in the lobby, he was more than ready to get on the ice.
1st lesson
All of the "coaches" (as Joey called them) were really great with the kids! Joey has the same instructor every week, so I think that helped him because he always saw a familiar face. And, just like we do for our hockey boy after games, Joey's coach got fruit gummies after every practice.
 During the 1st lesson, Joey stayed close to the instructors and wasn't really up to the same level that other kids in his group were. He was easily the youngest kid on the a year!
 Hmm...first lesson and he is already picking his spot in the crease. (Pretty sure, he is going to be a goalie.)
 Slowly trying to learn to get up off the ice.
 Just a little high five for encouragement.
This video was from his 2nd lesson...not too bad.
He also figured out how to get up off of the ice by himself. Which in all fairness, was kind of hard for him...the way they teach the kids to get up makes sense BUT because Joey was so little his arms weren't long enough to be in the correct position. He figured it out though.
 Again...this is the spot he immediately went to during an open skate following his lesson.
 Confession: This event was one of the main reasons we put Joey in skating lessons so young. We knew that after the AC hockey game at 5th/3rd Field, we knew they were going to let fans skate on the ice with the players. I really wanted Joey to be able to skate by himself. Seeing Joey skate up to his favorite goalie (shocker, he loves a goalie) was 100% worth it!!!
 Seeing a lot of the college hockey guys skate with Megan and Joey was a perfect way to end this "once in a lifetime" many great memories!
So here is it...Joey's famous "Schutte Shuffle." Not too bad for a 3 1/2 year old!
One last picture at the arena before the ice was removed. Now we have a Summer of roller blading and driveway hockey for both of these two and maybe, just maybe, we will have 2 kids in hockey gear in the Fall.

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