Saturday, October 31, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

When we finally got around to carving pumpkins, Megan and I decided to clean out the insides during the day and then wait for Mark/Daddy to get home to carve them. Megan was very excited to started this pumpkin process.
Yes, she is chewing pumpkin guts! She liked watching me scoop all of the goo out and then about a minute later the thrilled had worn off.

She came back to the table once I moved onto another step. She helped pick out about a dozen seeds from the goo and had enough. But she really liked when she was able to stir the slimy seeds around. I think this part was the most fun for her.
Now that Mark was home we could finally carve the "silly face" and fish in the pumpkins. Once again Megan was interested for about a minute. It was right before we were done that I realized I didn't know where any of our candles were. So I had to make a quick trip to the store. With candles and lighter in hand Megan finally got excited when we were taking each pumpkin outside to light.
Look at our "unique" pumpkins. After spending way too much time on these pumpkins and not having much interest from Megan, I didn't spend too much time trying to create a fun design. She said she wanted a fish and I gave a her a fish. And well, silly faces are easy. But it really didn't matter because by the next day the squirrels that are the size of cats had already started chewing on the fresh pumpkins. Oh well, there is always next year.
Now I know you want to see pictures from Trick-or-treating but you will have to wait. I will post them soon, but I haven't been taking too many pictures lately so I need to save the Chef pictures for a bit :)

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