Saturday, November 7, 2009


Before we went out trick-or-treating (Megan's first time) we went to a Halloween party at the Olsaver's house. Megan was very excited and had a week long countdown until the party. When we got there Megan was a little shy because all of the kids were running around in their costumes and she couldn't tell who they were. So being a "Chef" she wanted to play with the kitchen.
After dinner they was a craft for the kids to do. Megan and Mark were making a ghost with tissue paper.
All of the kids right before going out to trick-or-treat. Cute huh!?!
My Chef Baby! She wouldn't look at the camera because she was too busy watching all of the costume and kids go by.
Just following Rosemary's lead because in the beginning she had no idea what was going on.
After a few houses she figured out what was going on. She didn't really get the saying "trick or treat" part, but she did say "Thank You" to everyone.
How cute is this!?! The girls holding hands as they walked to the next house. It was adorable!
Back at the Olsaver's house...Megan didn't not want to stop getting candy but she had had enough walking at this point. I think all of the kids asked to be done. All were very well behaved and all had lots of simple fun...can't wait for next year!

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