Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bubble wrap is awesome!

I don't think I ever posted this video on the blog. If I did, I'm sorry I will blame it on the fact that I an doped on Benadryl at the current moment. Megan is wearing a diaper, so I know I filmed it awhile ago, but I'm not sure if it made it to the blog. But here is the story to explain the video. We had new lights delivered for our kitchen and they all came wrapped in bubble wrap. Megan has only ever seen/played with the small bubbles. But the bubbles on this bubble wrap were the big, fun to pop bubbles. I opened the box and Megan grabbed a sheet of the bubble wrap, carried it up stairs and told Mark "Look what we got."

Mark then asked, "Did we get anything else? Any lights?"

Megan answered, "Nope, just bubble wrap!"

By the time I made it upstairs Megan had the bubble wrap laid flat on the floor, and was laying on her back rolling over the bubble wrap, giggling and saying "This if fun!"

I grabbed the camera and this was the next adventure with the bubble wrap. Hope you think it is funny. Oh and did I mention I was doped up on Benadryl, so sorry if this doesn't make any sense (evil mosquitoes!)

1 comment:

Angela said...

Who needs toys when you can have large bubble wrap. Love the simple things in life that make us smile.

I don't remember seeing this one before. I love it.