Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A normal summer day.

The other day Megan and I could not stay inside any longer. We had been staying inside to avoid the evil mosquitoes, but on this day we decided to risk it. Megan had her long sleeve painting clothes on, I used a fogger and sprayed us down with bug spray in hopes that all of this might help keep the bugs away for a bit. Then I set up Megan activity area so she could play/paint while I worked.
I don't know why I didn't think of this scenario before I saw Megan in the middle of this mess. But when you put a sandbox 5 feet behind a table with water colors, it's only a matter of time before the two things become one. I least she was in paint clothes!
Our beetle friend that Megan and I followed for a long time. He couldn't figure out where he wanted to go and Megan thought that was funny. He kept crawling from one side to the other. He was green so he blended in with the grass but he was bigger then a quarter so once Megan started to look for him, he was easy to find (not really sure if that made sense). She loved this beetle, it was cute.
Here is the project that I have been working on since the beginning of spring. I'm adding a flagstone path from our driveway to our back gate. It is taking me forever and I'm starting to question why I ever started this project. It's not hard to do, but the rocks are heavy and in the middle of the mosquito breeding area. I can only work about an hour at a time before I go crazy. But my fingers are crossed that the last few nights of cool weather have killed some of the bugs, so maybe, just maybe I can get this done over the long weekend! Oh and you can also see our new fence in the background. Love it!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Looks good. Can't wait to see the finished product. Your house is going to be amazing when you everything done that you want to do. My kids still want a house like Megan's. They loved those stairs.