Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Moo-moo Cows!!!

While at a family reunion, Megan got to take a tour of the Marvin family Dairy Farm. She was super excited to go see moo-moo cows up close. This was the first calf Megan met at the farm. As you can see, Megan was a little unsure, I think she always forgets how big cows are in real life. (This little calf was very cute, he had freckles all over his nose and butt)
Megan saying "hi" to all of the cows. I believe all of the cows in this barn either just had babies or were about to have babies.

Maria was showing Megan that calves will suck on your finger because they think it is a bottle. Megan did not want to try, but I think a couple of calves licked her when she got a little too close.
Megan wanted to show her moo-moo cow to the real cows. Maria was very excited to learn that Megan brought her own cow with her to the family reunion. (Side note: At the fair Megan had to find Maria to show her the 2 new stuffed cows she got)
"One of these things is not like the other" Megan found a spot in the middle of the calves where they could not reach her.
Megan and Grandma Schutte taking formula to the calves. The calves drink their moms milk for the first couple days but then they drink formula...who knew!?!
After drinking the buckets of formula dry, the calves will lick the formula off of their neighbors mouths. It was funny to see. These cows REALLY like their formula!
And then at the end, Megan was trying to feed the biggers cows hay. Too bad she kept finding the shortest pieces of hay and the cows just couldn't grab them. But she tried and had lots of fun. I think if Megan ever needs a summer job, she could work at the Marvin Dairy Farm, and she would love it!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Love the pictures. What a fun experience for Megan.