Sunday, July 25, 2010

Megan's First Firework Show!!!

This 4th of July was the first time we took Megan to see the fireworks. We knew it was going to be late and we wanted to make the whole event special so we stopped and got Wesco popcorn (Megan's favorite) and slushies (Megan has never had them before) Just look at those smiles, Megan and Daddy were all set for the show.
Just laying back relaxing before it got dark. (for the record, Megan only had about 5 sips of slushie, we shared one)
We had lots of time to wait and since Megan isn't awake when the fireflies are out, Mark was showing her the fireflies. At first they scared her, but then she really liked them.
It got cold really quick! So Mark and Megan had to bundle up to stay warm. Still waiting for the fireworks...
...fading fast. We brought along "GloDude" Megan's fancy flashlight so she was having fun watching him change colors, but that only lasted so long. After waiting for it to get dark, we had to wait for some motorcycle races to stop (surrounded by lots of unhappy families at this point)
YAY, they started!!! I'll save you from looking at tons of firework photos, but I liked this one because you can see all of the smoke coming from the fireworks. It was a good show and Megan did have fun once they started. She slept very well once we got home :)

1 comment:

Angela said...

Love it. I really like Megan's jacket/hoodie she is wear too. Glad to hear that it was a good time one the show began. Waiting is so difficult for little people but it looks like she had a good time.