Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

A couple days after we had 50 degree weather in Feb, we got hit with a HUGE ice storm! It started around 9:00 PM and I don't think anyone in the neighborhood slept because after we lost power, all you could hear were trees snapping into pieces cause huge ice covered branches falling to the ground. With ever crack, scrape, thud! We ran to the windows to see where the branch fell and what was damaged. When morning came we walked outside to at least 1/2inch of ice covering everything and a very different looking neighborhood. All the neighbors walked from house to house helping each other clear branches from the road, driveways and off of fences. All of us were spared any major damage to houses and then we just had to wait and wait and wait for the power to come back.

Icicles covered everything!

Day 2 and the sun came out! The trees looked beautiful glistening in the sun. None of my pictures did justice to just how pretty things looked. It was the only thing that could make you smile after a day with no power and sad broken trees all around.

Megan in the middle! The piles of branches just from our yard were higher than Megan and stretched across the whole length of our front yard. And that did even count the smaller twigs and sticks that were frozen in the ground. *** As of 5/2/11 we are still cleaning up large branches because every time we have any high winds, more branches fall from the trees!

The beautiful, wonderful power trucks!!! After 4 days without power everyone in the neighborhood was so excited to see these trucks! After our power was back and we got things back to normal, I found this power company's website and I sent them a thank you telling them how much we appreciated their men traveling and leaving their families to come help us.

It was an experience and I hope that we won't have to go through that again.

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