Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I will be the first to admit that I am not really a "computer" person. I know how to turn one on, connect to the Internet, send a few emails, look pointless information up and spend endless hours wasting time on Facebook. Other than that I don't really attempt to do anything else. But I can say that I never had the desire to hit/flick/punch that computer screen...Mark however, he did. About 2 weeks ago he claims he just "flicked" the computer screen because it wasn't working right. Well that little "flick" caused the computer screen to shatter and caused us to go 2 weeks without a computer at home (It was a LONG 2 weeks) But our computer is back and that first thing I am doing is updating the blog. Enjoy!

Oh and remember children, don't flick the computer screen...it will break!

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