Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day: 3 Day Weekend, lots of fun...lots of pictures!

Memorial Day: A day to remember the brave men and women that died protecting of freedoms.
Thank You!!!
Because it was a 3 day weekend for us, plus the "official" start of Summer, we didn't have ANYTHING on our schedule! Nothing was planned and it was perfect! Because we did't have to worry about being anywhere, fun, simple things just kind of happened. Saturday morning, I found Megan and Joey cuddling in a chair, then they ran off to play.  I think Joey started off playing hockey, but then he moved on to other things...Megan still used her mic to do a "play by play" of Joey's moves..."And there goes Joey, dumping the puzzle to the floor." Yep, kind of priceless if you ask me. 

 The weather was perfect all 3 days (much needed after our crazy winter!!!) I wanted to check things off of the to-do list, so Mark took the kids our to his parent's house, to put the dock in and to just relax...I stayed home to clean/organize Megan's right!?!

 While I was waist deep in clothes, stuff animals and art supplies, Mark sent me these pictures :)  Not going to lie, my heart broke just a little bit because I wasn't there. Minutes after getting the dock in, Megan charmed Papa into fishing with her (she didn't have too try hard) then Joey caught his first fish of the year!

This picture might not look that special, but to me, it is priceless. Some of you might not know that Megan spent all of Kindergarten and part of 1st grade in a special reading program at school. 4 kids went to another room for 1 on 4 instruction, to help bring reading levels up. I knew Megan was a sponge, soaking all the info up, but she just couldn't get the info to make sense. But once the "light bulb" turned on, there was no stopping her! She is reading above grade level now!!! To see her, playing with an electronic 20 questions game, where the words scroll across the screen...I was so proud of her...proud for her. I love this picture!

 Back at the lake for Memorial Day, again perfect weather and again, Megan and Joey wanted to fish (they even dug up their own worms at our house!)
 Megan caught a HUGE bass! (well, huge for her) Normally, the kids catch 6-8" bass, but today Megan caught a large catfish and a 13-14" bass. I won't let her be one of "those" girls that scream at bugs/slimy things etc. but this big guy was just a little too much for her to handle, I think he got her with his tail...then she wanted nothing to do with him. (He is currently back home, swimming around the lake)

 Somehow, Joey learned to like corn cut off of the cob...he gobbled up the first ear quick!

 I wanted Megan to prove that she could take a bite with 2 missing teeth...she did it! Then asked me to cut it off the cob.  Yeah...this habit isn't going to last long...unless there is a good reason.

Megan has been begging for smores since the snow melted. She finally got her smores tonight...made from roasted marshmallows and fudge stripe cookies, so yummy! A little messy, but worth it!

And here is to the start of summer and all the fun we will have...let the fun begin!!!

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