Tuesday, May 20, 2014

We're back....

So is a 2 year break long enough!?!

For a few months, I have been thinking about the long lost family blog. I am pretty sure the word "blog" has a new meaning than what it did in 2007, when I originally started this. But I don't really care about that. I had fun sharing fun family things in our blog and I am telling myself that family and friends enjoyed reading it (typos and all) but it wasn't until a visit from my Aunt Jan, who lives out of state mentioning that she misses following our family "adventures" that I decided I REALLY needed to start posting stories again. I originally started the family blog for just that reason...so our family could keep up with how fast the kids grow. But then I felt like I was posting the same stories over and over, but this time about Joey verses Megan, so I stopped.  I mean, posting pictures on Facebook was easy.  Sharing a few funny sentences about how funny/silly/weird/awesome my kids are worked just fine. Or did it?

Don't get me wrong, it is obvious that I love Facebook, and I will continue to love it. But I never completely shared the whole story behind the cute picture. Or I didn't post a picture because I didn't want to bother people with another picture of my kids. So here I am, back on my computer, promising to share the whole story, the collage of pictures and the everyday life of us.

I have no idea what I will write about, or when I will write things, but I will share stories without feeling like I am going to annoy someone (not saying that ever happened, but it IS easy to over share things on Facebook) Since the last post was back in Dec 2011, I will have a few random "throwbacks" to stories that happened from then until now. But the main focus will be on our everyday life.  So here is to cute kids, memories in the making and all that happens in between...enjoy!

Because this is what happens when we try to take a family picture :)

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