Monday, August 25, 2014

Birthday girl :)

Before I start this post, I just want to take a moment to remind you all how precious life is. Sadly, the day before Megan's birthday a relative of ours passed away in a car accident. She was a beautiful young lady, 22 yrs old, and she had nothing but happy thoughts of a bright promising future. She is loved by many and will be missed. So yes, Megan's birthday was somber but I will always look back Brittany's passing as a reminder to cherish each day and focus on what is good. Hug your kiddos tight each night, you cannot say "I love you" too much and spend time making memories :)
So you will recall that our trip to Cedar Point was Megan and Joey's birthday gift (because they don't need anymore toys!!!) So the actual day of Megan's birthday, we stayed home and everything was low key. A perfect birthday in my opinion.
 We made "snow" for the kids to play with. (some magic crystal things that expand in water that resembles snow.)
 Nothing like a birthday bike ride! (simple pleasures...I love it!)
 And of course, a birthday cake made by me. The only thing Megan asked for was a rainbow cake. A few years back, I made a cake that was rainbow on the inside, so I didn't want to do that again. But if you search "rainbow cake" in Pinterest, that is all you will find. So again, I figured out a plan that would work and Megan loved it!
 We invited Grandma and Papa Schutte over for dinner (we had a b-day celebration with Grandma and Grandpa Berthold the night before.) Grandma found a crown and Megan and she was more than excited to wear it.
 Keeping with our simple birthday (we always do) Megan got a 1 of a kind gift from Grandma and Papa...a flower box to go on the play house built by Papa! Now, I know right now she sees it as just a cool flower box, buy as the years go on, Megan will understand how special this gift is :) She also got money to by paint for the play house (Do you see a theme here!?!)
And last, but not least, Happy 3rd Birthday to Piggie! Megan LOVES that she shares a birthday with her favorite stuff animal, so of course she asked me to make her a cake. Marshmallows and leftover frosting...quick and easy and it meant the world to Megan. Keeping things simple made this day extra special for all of us.

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