Thursday, August 14, 2014

Cousins and bunnies and kayaks, oh my!

Summertime in Michigan, pretty much means you will be spending time at a lake. For our family, it also means, that we will be soaking up family time whenever possible.
 For the most part, summer this year has been really mild, down right cold at times. It has been beautiful, but not really "swimming" weather. We have also missed out on a lot of rain. So far we have had one week of a typical summer, the temperature/humidity build during the day, then a quick thunderstorm to be finished with a perfect, pleasant evening. During one of these storms, the perfect rainbow appeared over Loch Erin :)
 Cousins all playing in the water.
 Kelsey was helping Joey get used to the kayak. He was nervous at first, but Kelsey was patient and helped calm any fears.
 Aunt T, using Joey as an excuse to play in the sand.
Shockingly, this sand castle stayed intact for hours...then Joey stomped it.
 The cousins have 3 bunnies at home and they got to come to Michigan during this quick trip. Joey kind of loved them. (Sorry for cutting off your head, Caila.)
 Megan also loved the bunnies. I lost count of how many times she asked if we could have one...umm, no. Not that I don't love bunnies, but we have an 85lb dog that would eat any and all bunnies in 1 bite!
Baby pen + 3 bunnies + 4 kids = odd picture.

We love simple days at the lake and soaking up time with family, so sad that Summer is coming to and end :(

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