Monday, June 9, 2014

Fact: There is never a dull moment with a 2 year old!


The other day, I needed to be at Megan's school for a picnic and to help with Field Day stuff (more on that later!) My parents were going to watch Joey, so I could have all of my energy on her. When I arrived at their house, they were painting the porch. Now, I have never been the type of parent to worry about messy things, kids get dirty, clothes get washed, everything is fine. However, Joey was wearing dark shorts that are big enough to last him all summer, his shirt...not so much (he has worn it for over a year!) So off came his shorts and the play date began!

Umm, yeah, I kind of think this picture is adorable! Please note Joey's awesome yellow boots, that have been handed down from cousins...well loved...and filled with cracks! None of this will stop Joey from wearing them and please please please, do NOT call them boots, or you will have one determined 2 year old correcting you that they are actually RAIN BOOTS!!!

By the time I was finished with Field Day stuff, Megan was out of school and we went to go pick Joey up. He was now fully dressed and painting the porch steps...with water :) My mom was giving me the recap of what they did and what he ate, when she mentioned they had blue slushies, so like any normal 2 year old, he had to show me his blue tongue!
***I have no idea how, but Joey likes to demonstrate why he doesn't like to eat certain foods. So picture, this "blue tongue face" multiple times a day, with sound effects, saying, "Me no like ______, it makes be (cue puking noise with tongue)." MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY! He is dramatic!

 We also have random visits from Spiderman, complete with web shooting hand gestures.

 Joey's "go to" pose for pictures, the classic pull your lips to the side and stick out tongue. Following by a perfect smile after I put the camera away. (Don't be fooled, I love his silly pose)

I'm sure you have heard the phase, if you have a toddler in the house and it is quiet...worry! This is so true!!! I can't remember what I was doing, but Mark and Megan left to run a quick errand and Joey was playing in the toy room (about 15 away from me) Maybe...maybe, 2 minutes went by, when my Mom sense went off thinking, "Why is it so quiet? Joey, where are you?" He was just washing his face...with sunscreen! I believe I randomly said an hour earlier, "Wow, your face is dirty." So I wasn't mad at him (why would I be!?!) but I did want to clean him up before any got in his eyes. (At the time I took the pictures, I didn't realize how close he had gotten to his eyes...oops!)
Another quiet time, I found Joey had pushed a bar stool over to the "goodie" cupboard and was crunching on chips like he hadn't had food in days! 

 Then there are times when all Joey wants to do is play with Megan, no matter what she wants him to do...he will do it.  On this afternoon, Tinkerbell wanted to be driven around so she could ride the bike AND read her book...Joey did it...and loved doing it.

Never a dull moment!  Love him!!!

1 comment:

Aunt Jan said...

Love the blue tongue!