Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My kids are growing up...not sure if I am okay with that.

Tuesday was Megan's last day of 1st grade and honestly, I am okay with it, but I can't help myself from flashing back in time remembering when she started having milestones. 
Start of 1st Grade
End of 1st Grade

Wow! What a year this has been! First grade was the year that Megan started to connect all of the concepts she started learning in Kindergarten. This was the year where she connected math, science, reading, writing to the world around her. But the thing I will AWAYS remember, is that in 1st grade, she learned to read and because of this, her world became limitless! Reading small words turned into reading large words...full sentences...full paragraphs...full books. She can read recipes, instructions, directions...her world has no limits. If she wants to learn more about something, she can find the information herself and not rely on someone else to give it to her.

Sorry if I am a little passionate about her learning to read, but if you saw her struggle in Kindergarten and start 1st grade off barely knowing sight words, then you would know that she made HUGE strides with reading this year! She went from having to go to a special reading group in Sept/Oct/Nov to reading chapter books almost over night. It is hard to describe the issues she struggled with, but I cried when the letter came home explaining that she was reading at grade level. (I'm tearing up right now thinking about it.)
Megan in the 1st grade music show. She was dealing with allergies and tummy issues so she wasn't really too energetic during the show :(

Muffins with Mom! Or a donut is Megan's case.

1st grade picnic. As you can see, there were lots of fun events at the end of the school year. It was a fun year, Alexander is a fun school, can't wait to see what new adventures await for her in 2nd grade.

Welcome to the Family, Robot Boy

A school year ends for Megan and Joey also reached his own end...the end of nuks (pacifiers) Now, before you judge me in the pacifier world, I know the recommendations, I know that Megan was pacifiers by 18 months, but Joey...he was different. He only used them to settle down for sleeping and then he spit them out, 1 in his mouth + 1 in his hand.

Wondering why we didn't break him of his pacifier habit sooner...simple...I needed sleep! Obviously, the 1st year Joey didn't sleep much because he needed food. But then his my sleepless night continued. Without spending an hour giving Joey's sleep history, I will just fast forward to our conclusion of his sleep issues. Joey is a sleepwalker! So night after night he would walk out of his room, come find me and then I would go lay down in his bed (twin size) and he would go back to bed. Those pacifiers were essential for him to fall back asleep! Then his sleep walking morphed into night terrors Let me tell you, those are some freaky moments when you have no clue what is going on with your kid. Now that we know about them, they aren't so scary, but again, the pacifiers were essential for him to fall back asleep. But it was time for them to go.
We needed something to replace his pacifiers as a sleeping buddy, so the search was on for a new friend for Joey to snuggle with. Robots are his thing right now, so amazon was my friend and Mr. Robot dude was on his way! Today, he magically showed up at our house :)

I think Robot Dude is a hit.

First nap time...

...worked like a charm!
After his nap, Joey decided on Mr. Robot Dude's name...Robot Boy! So welcome Robot Boy, please keep my baby safe during the night. Because should a night terror happen again, I might need I cuddle from you too!

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