Monday, July 7, 2014

Friends, family, fireworks...FUN!!!

 On the 4th of July, we spent the day relaxing on Loch Erin with friends and family. The kids played in the sand and water all day long. It was only about 75 degrees, so just a little chilly for the parents to get in the water, but the kids didn't care...or aren't old enough to know what "cold" means, so they had a blast.
 The pontoon never left the dock, but all of the kids loved just sitting on the boat watching all of the activity on the lake. It seemed as though there was always someone setting off fireworks, so the kids loved watching them all as the day went on.
 Glow sticks!!! You can never go wrong with glow sticks! (Confession: sparklers freak me out! It's not that I have a problem with them, I think they are fun, kids always giggle when they have one. But I received one of my nastiest blisters from a sparkler, it hurts for days! Plus a niece of mine, got a sparker stuck in her flip flop one year when she accidently dropped it...eek! They are hot fire on a stick, that freak me out...hence, glow sticks!!!)

 Fire pit + BBQ = S'mores!!!
 The next day, we were off to another event with lots of friends. The weather was beautiful, the yard was perfect for kids to play...if we weren't all so exhausted from the long night prior. Wow, we are getting old! Other than being tired, the adults shares funny stories (did you know that 2 people can sink a dock!?!) and the kids played, what more do you need in the Summer...
 A hammock is good...
 Oh and some dirt to dig in...
 Then add an outdoor movie...perfection!
 Joey totally made a comfy spot for himself!
 Watching The Sandlot, outside, during Summer, with much fun! I don't know how the kids stayed awake until the end, but they did...except Joey, he found me, cuddled on my lap and fell asleep half way through.
 He was really, really tired, because he fell asleep the next day AT THE POOL!?! What kid does that!?! (Full Disclosure: Grandma discovered that swim diapers are NOT absorbent!)
To end our fun filled weekend, we ended up at my parents house for a BBQ that included homemade onion rings (So good!!!) and yummy homemade ice cream (thanks, Olsavers!) Joey enjoyed his ice cream in the world's smallest bowl, sitting in a huge chair (well huge for a 2 year old!)

Our Summer fun is still going strong...and I am loving every minute of it!

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