Sunday, July 20, 2014

Loving lake life!

 Friends of ours, have family that live on Evans Lake, a nice quite lake just outside of town. It was a beautiful Summer day and a group of us went out to spend the day relaxing lake side.  Apparently, our group created just enough activity that a family of swans swam over, hoping to find food.

The kids LOVED the swans and wanted to take a closer look...the moms, however, were on edge just hoping for the swans to go away before something bad happened. Just incase you didn't know, swans are mean! Swans are protective of their babies! Swans are bigger than you think!
 The first visit from the swans brought a momma and 6 babies. She was just as curious about our kids as our kids were about hers. We had no food for her, so she took her babies and left. As the afternoon passed, more friends/kids showed up to play at the lake. I guess our bigger group caught the swans attention again, and over they came, this time bringing the daddy with them.

Since nothing happened with the first visit, the human kids were really interested with the swans this time. They slowly, slowly got closer and closer to the daddy swan. The moms were watching and just kind of waiting until we needed to step in. For me, that moment came when Joey started walking towards the daddy swan...the daddy swan that was twice Joey's size! That's when I got up, reminded the kids swans are means and it was time to leave them alone! (All of the moms helped get the kids away and it was a united front to just let the swans be.)
 Joey is becoming an independent child, which I have mixed feelings about, so here he is sitting on the dock saying over and over again, "Momma, just yet me be." *FYI the water is about up to his knee, that is why he doesn't have a life jacket on. I am all about water safety, but a foot of water didn't make me nervous.
 While I was laughing at Joey, Megan decided she was going to paddle board!
 She had kayaked in the past, but had never been on a paddle board...she was a natural! I was kind of proud that she took it upon herself to try it.

 Yep, I can see us buying a paddle board at some point, she loved it! It was a great Summer afternoon at the lake.

Mark's parents are back from their Canadian adventure and they brought back and extra person for a few weeks :) Our niece, Kelsey, is here and the kids couldn't wait to play her. Since Mark's parents also live on a lake (Michigan has a lot of lakes) most of the time the kids are in their bathing suits, running around the yard or playing in the water.
 Joey is still a little unsure of lake water.  He LOVES being in the pool, but the dark lake water kind of freaks him out. Kelsey, was able to convince Joey to go out on a floaty thing (yes, that is a technical term!) He was having fun.
Right after they went over board, Joey was done with the water!
 :) He is just so cute!
 During the Canadian adventure, Grandma and Papa found a popcorn popper to use over their fire pit. We all thought it was a great way to have a special treat that wasn't a s'more. Don't get me wrong, we all enjoy s'mores, we just don't need to have one every time there is a fire.
The first batch of popcorn didn't last very we made another! And you know what, I never heard anyone complain that there wasn't any salt or butter on the popcorn! They were just excited to make it over the fire pit.

Michigan in the Summer...kind of perfect...I love it!

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