Saturday, July 19, 2014

Worst thing ever...

Have you ever had times where lots of little things add up to one big sucky thing? Then when that sucky thing is done, all you can do is laugh at it and learn from it? That happened to me about a week ago (after reading about it, you will understand why there was a delay in updating this blog)
I promise I will not share gross details, just the story.
So about a week ago, it was one of those days where my kids were ready to eat, I wasn't, Mark was gone for the evening, kids wanted to swim, I didn't want to cook...Megan said she wanted a hamburger so off to Wendy's we went. (Side Note: Megan has been on a hunger strike, more details later) Joey has never really enjoyed dinner, so he didn't get anything. I was logging calories and not really hungry for a meal, but I needed something...baked potato with cheese and bacon...perfect! Just enough to give me energy to swim with the kids and I could enjoy another healthy snack later.
We ate our food, then put bathing suits on and went to our neighbor's house to swim (Thank you Drews for letting us use your pool) With Mark being gone, I got my pool workout done first while the kids played.  We swam until it was bed time, a good 2 hours. Closed the pool up...wet clothes off, pj's on...relax a bit before tucking the kids into bed, a perfect Summer night...
...until that feeling came. Everyone knows that feeling, the feeling that you just want to vomit to make the pain go away. Lucky for me, that feeling only lasted a for a bit, just long enough to get one tv turned to the Disney channel and the other tv turned to Disney Jr. Then...
It was almost instantly that I knew this was different, I knew I was in for a long night and needed someone to help me. If I wasn't so sick, this scenario would have made me laugh verses cry. 
  • Mark was an hour away having dinner
  • My parents were in Texas
  • Mark's parents were in Canada
  • My neighbors were in FL or not home
  • Our friends that didn't have multiple kids to get into bed, were in Vegas
I sent Mark a text telling him he had to come home. An hour later, when he got home I was crying because of the pain and both of my kids had to fend for themselves :( Thank goodness, Mark jumped into Super Dad mode so I could just focus on me and my new friend Church. That is the brand name on our toilet seat. "Praying to the porcelain god" took on a new meaning and it made me chuckle while I lay there praying for it all to end.  After feeling like I was going to die, I knew that I was dealing with food poisoning and it was going to suck.
The next 8 hours were pretty much the worst thing ever. The next day I didn't eat anything and drank enough to keep me out of the hospital. Super Dad, kept the kids busy and I think they could sense that I just needed things to be quiet and time to recover. I slowly...slowly started eating a few bites but basically lived in my bed all weekend. I felt like $#!t but knew I needed to be a mom and with Megan having hockey camp the whole next week, I had to push through. So this is how I looked at hockey camp Monday morning.

I was there, but not there. After camp was done, so was I, tv day for the kids so I could sleep. Each day got a little better, I had a little bit more energy. Finally. today, Saturday a whole week later, I feel good. I am ready to get back to my workouts and ready to start testing recipes to quick easy DIY "fast food" meals. I haven't cooked in a week and my family has been eating junk. I am ready to take on the challenge of fixing 100% of meals at home, because food poisoning SUCKED and I just can't have my kids dealing with that because I am too lazy to have a meal plan in place. Time to sync our schedules to our meals, so I don't lose another week of my life again.
So if anyone has quick, easy, healthy recipes...send them my way! 

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