Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fair Time!

Fair Week...some dread it, some love it. We love it because our kids enjoy being able to see all of the different animals up close. We always go, just for a few hours, to support all of the farmers/4H kids that work hard all year for this event. This year the Lenawee County Fair turned 175...we do our part to keep the Fair going :) Plus the French Fries are good too!
 Megan went to the Fair earlier in the day with Grandma, Papa and her cousin. Mark, Joey and I joined them after Mark was home from work. Megan and Kelsey had a balloon waiting for Joey...he LOVED it! You will see his balloon in almost every picture :)
 First stop, the "Birthing Tent" I am pretty sure the kid could have spent all day here. This tent has a collection of farm animals, most of the pens have a Momma with her new born babies. Basically, a lot of cuteness under 1 tent.

 I WANT ONE!!! I have always loved baby mom-moo cows, they are just so cute!
 Every year, Megan has been drawn to the goat and cow "milking" displays. She loves them. this year she was ridiculously happy just milking away.
 A boy and his red balloon.
 Kelsey (their cousin) has rabbits at home, she taught the kids the safe way to approach the bunnies in their cage.
 PIGS!!! The weather was much cooler than most years and the pigs were happier because of it. Normally, in the pig barn, all you can hear is unhappy pigs squealing at each other. This year, lots of sleeping pigs or pigs that were yawning...and you know what...pigs are pretty cute when they yawn!
Our niece, Kelsey, is a horse girl! She was SO excited when another "horse girl" asked if Kelsey wanted to sit on her horse. This is the #1 reason we love the Fair, the 4H kids are amazing!  
 She had no idea I was filming :) We were walking behind all of the animal barns and Megan was being Megan...I love her and how she can just find fun wherever she is :)
 I think they are on a mission...not sure what mission, but they were on the move!
 Just had to do some more "milking"
 #2 reason we love the Fair...Fair food! I LOVE the fries and I have to have a shaved ice, every year, no matter what!
 Mark and Joey went with fries and ice cream from the dairy barn. Joey's face is awesome in the picture.
 "Sissy, you share???" (Joey calls Megan "Sissy")
During our second trip to the Fair (my parent's wanted the kids to go with we did) we remembered we skipped the ducks/chickens/turkeys the night before.
 Last year, Joey fell in love with the turkeys. He went from cage to cage "talking" to them.  This year, he was happy to see them again...gobble gobble!
The Fair...simple fun.

(No, the kids don't ride the rides. Too expensive and we are there to support our local 4H kids and to see the animals. We are going to Cedar Point soon...they can ride rides then.)

1 comment:

Aunt Jan said...

Your post reminded me of when I was a member of 4-H and all the fun filled times I had at the county fair! Glad to see your children enjoying all the animals.