Thursday, August 14, 2014

Perfect little play house (in the rough)

Almost 41 years ago, Mark's dad built his 4 kids a cute little playhouse (I wish I had a picture of what it looked like back then.) Just one simple mention of this playhouse and all Mark's siblings and their friends, quickly share tons of stories involving the playhouse. Once the Schutte kids were grown, the playhouse was moved to an Uncle's property for his children to play with.
Over the years, the little playhouse was left sitting alone, without any happy kiddos to play with it. Last Summer, Mark's mom asked if we wanted to move the playhouse to our yard, to fix up, so Megan and Joey could have their own memories of the cute little playhouse...of course I said YES! Well, Mother Nature had other was way too wet to even think about having a huge truck come into our yard to deliver the playhouse.
 Spring 2014 came and I was hinting really hard that we NEED to get the playhouse before I build one of my own! Finally, the first non-golf weekend came and Mark made plans to get the playhouse to our house :)
First step, building a foundation for the playhouse to sit on. Our yard is NOT flat, many factors were involved in deciding where to put the house. With A LOT of over thinking, I finally picked a spot. The kids have enough room to run around the playhouse, there is enough room to mow around it and most importantly, it is close enough to the fence that we can add super cute landscaping around the playhouse and it won't look odd.
 Joey, really wanted to help build the foundation. Megan was able to carry the cement blocks half way from the car to the back of our yard, but there was no way for Joey to even try that. So Megan, very cleverly, gave him the eagle to carry.  He was so proud that he was helping.
 It's here!!! This was the first time I had seen the playhouse in real life. It is so cute! Yes, it needs some love and the coldest, snowiest Winter ever was not kind to it, but she is going to be beautiful in a couple weeks.
 Tiny little house...not a tiny job to move! Thankful for our friends and family that came to help us move this not so light weight playhouse.
So here she is, she looks rough but nothing we can't fix. The sides and the back are very solid still and the front/roof had lots of damage from this past Winter (and it is almost 41 years old) I will do another post about how we fixed her and what she looks like after, when everything is complete. If it turns out like the picture I have in my head...this is going to be an awesome makeover and a super cute playhouse for tons of kids to enjoy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see how cute you make it!