Monday, February 16, 2009

The Ringman Wedding

On February 13, 2009 Benjamin and Angela Ringman celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows to one another. They wanted to have the wedding they didn't get to have the first time. I was asked to be a bridesmaid and was thrilled to share in their special day.

As you can see this was a very special wedding. All of the men you see here are/were stationed at Fort Campbell (Army) and have served at least 2 tours of duty in Iraq together. All of them just returned home in November 2008 and this wedding allowed all of them to celebrate together. It was truly an honor to stand next to these brave men. Although they really knew how to celebrate, they are the nicest bunch on men you will ever met. Thank you guys for all that you have done and it was a pleasure meeting all of you.
Both of us together in our party dresses.

I love when we can get a picture of the 3 of us together, it's a bonus when we are all dresses up! I loved that Mark was able to bring Megan to the church and to the reception, but I'm really thankful that Mark took Megan home so she could have a decent bedtime. Of course I stayed to dance the night away and make sure that all of the guests got home safe.

Do you think she has grown a little since she wore this dress that last time? Plus it didn't help that she had a accident in Mark's truck on her way to the reception so she couldn't wear her pink shorts anymore. Combine those two, and she ran around the wedding looking like Cindy Brady, oh well!

Megan made countless trips around the reception hall, I think she liked being able to walk in her bare feet. Sometimes she would stop and run around with the other kids, but other time she just wondered off on her own path. At one point she grabbed one of the programs and was walking around reading it, it was very funny.


The Poling Family said...

What a great time we had celebrating Ben and Angie's big day, we sure did have a good time. It was a pleasure meeting you. Like you, it's nice to get family photos with everyone dressed up.


Angela said...

Thank you for being there with us. It was great to have my closest girls there with me.

I did not get any pictures with my camera. I am trying to collect pictures from everyone who has a few. Would you mind emailing them to me. Thank you again for helping me complete my special day.
