Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Her very own ball pit.

One day last week I pulled out the ball pit that came from the Coyne family at Thanksgiving. I have been holding off on getting this out because I wanted to wait until we really needed a new toy. Since we are in the middle of cold weather, I pulled it out to give her something new to do. I set it up during her nap and when I brought her downstairs after she woke up, she didn't even want to eat her snack she just wanted to check out her new toy.
Leave it to Megan to find the one ball that isn't like the others!

Yes she was saying "cheese" as I was taking this picture.

Megan was having so much fun in the ball pit I was laughing so loud at the funny things she was doing. I wasn't going to take any videos, but just the squeals and giggles coming out of her, I have to get it on film.

You'll notice towards the end of this video, Baron steals one of the balls. It wasn't until after I went to get the ball back that I realized why he picked that ball...when he was a puppy one of the first toys he had was a squeaky basketball. Of course Megan found the squeaky basketball right away, but I knew that it would be an endless battle with Baron over this ball, so it is now his. I took the basketball over to Megan and told her that Baron had one like his when he was a puppy and I asked her if this one could be his. She said "uh-huh" and that was that. The only time she tries to take that ball is when she wants Baron to "chase" her, it is funny to watch. I'm just amazed as how much she can understand when you take the time to explain things to her. Now I understand how frustrating it must be for toddlers to know what they want but not have a way of telling us. Thank goodness for sign language! The few signs that we have taught to Megan have come in handy!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Too Cute!!!!

I agree toddler/little people know/understand more then most adults give them credit for.

And yes we love the sign language too. Both kids know enough to help.