Wednesday, June 25, 2014

No, you don't need a coat.

The other day we had a good old fashioned rain shower. No thunder, no lightning, just rain! Almost as if she knew instantly it was safe, Megan came running in from the playroom asking, "Can I go run in the rain?" Of course I said, ""Yes!....I'll go get some towels!" Then Megan went to get...her raincoat!?! Huh, what??? "Megan, you don't need a rain coat. You're going to get wet, it's okay, go play!"
I had to tell her 3 times that she didn't need a rain coat. When she finally went outside, she looked back at me with a questioning look, almost as if she still didn't think it was okay to be in the rain. When Joey came running outside still in pj's, Megan finally relaxed enough to enjoy the moment.

Love this picture!
 (Is that mean of me to like a picture where Joey is clearly getting splashed in the face with water!?!)

I missed the big giggles because I was taking pictures, but to me, this is what Summer is about...seizing the moment and dancing in the rain. Finding puddles to splash in not having a care in the world. The simple things never get old. 
I think they had one can resist jumping in a puddle!
This video is more for the sound :)

I hope my kids never forget that sometimes you just have to be silly!

1 comment:

Aunt Jan said...

What fun...wish I could of been there jumping with them!