Monday, June 16, 2014

Why I do, what I do.

One more than one occasion, I have had people ask me, "why?" or "how do you have time to...?" referring to volunteering on PTO, planning parties, DIY projects, baking desserts for hockey etc. I never really stop to think about, all I know is that I have always enjoyed helping people, so I do.
When it comes to Megan's school, PTO or any other help Alexander needs, I enjoy volunteering there. I think back to my childhood and I remember how much fun I had a Fun Nights, read-a-thons, Field Days etc. I want my kids, their friends and all of the kids at Alexander to have those same fun memories of school. I love hearing the giggles, I love walking down the hall having kids say, "Hi, Megan's mom!" I love it. Is it a lot of work...yes! Do we have an awesome (yet small) PTO...yes! Will I be volunteering at Alexander for awhile...yes! But it is worth it!
Last Friday, was Field Day and all us on PTO thought is went off perfectly! The kids were all giggles, the events were all fun and we had a great group of parent volunteers helping us.

Megan finishing up her 3 legged the smile! (I didn't get too many good pictures, because I was because I was busy making sure all of the events/volunteers had what they needed.)

Here is a video of why all of the time we spent planning this was worth it. You can hear kids giggling, you can hear them cheering each other on, you can see that they had a great time.

Alexander's super cool principal and 1/2 grade teacher waiting for the teacher competition to start! (Those are pretzel rods)

Pass the bagel from one teacher to the next...the kids loved watching their teachers race each other!

Balloon toss anyone!?!
Umm, yeah, the teachers at Alexander are kind of awesome...and maybe a bit competitive!

The kids LOVED this!!!

3rd and 4th grader rocking the afternoon events!

Water + Sponge + Bucket = Fun...on a hot day at the end of a very, very long school year!
Field Day was planned by a handful of parents and it was enjoyed by over 400+ kids and the parent volunteers that got to see all of the excitement the kids had. Can't wait until next year! That being said, does the PTO need help...yes! And not just the PTO at Alexander, I am willing to bet that most PTO groups need help. So if you have time...volunteer...even if it is for 1 is worth it!
Some of you that are reading this might be thinking, "Well of course she can volunteer, she is a stay at home mom." True, I am a SAHM, but I lost count of how many late nights I had just focusing on treasurer stuff, or how many times I asked my mom to watch Joey so I could be at school helping. I don't know what it is like to be a mom that has a 9-5 job, but I do know that I am busy, I know that my "to-do" list NEVER gets done (see the photo below of my basement. My poor basement...the dumping ground, that some day I will get to.) I know that once the kids go to bed, I am ready for bed too...but volunteering at my kids school is very, very important to me, so I find the time to help.

1 comment:

Sarah P said...

Great post. You do some amazing things. I agree it's all about prioritizing your time. We are all busy whether we work inside or outside of the home. The only harder (maybe?) Part about working outside is explaining to your boss why you need yet another day off!